Yet again another of our player suffered an injury. Identical to the injury that Eduardo suffered 2 years ago.
1st we have diaby, who got his ankle smash 3 years ago by sunderland. Although it wasnt an open fracture, but Diaby suffered an broken ankle and was out for more than a year. That season was a promising season for him, touted to replace patrick vieira, only to suffered an injury and only til this season slowly diaby is finding his way back.
2 years ago, Eduardo suffered an open fracture on his ankle as well, the feet was dangling with only part of the flesh connect to the foot.
Yesterday Ramsey suffered the same injury, it is sickening and disappointing. When it happens for the first time, it a freakish accident. 2nd time is unlucky. So what the F is this now. It doesnt seem like a malicious challenge so I am not blaming shawcross on the intend but i do feel that every player should think about safety issue. Why is there a need to go so hard into a challenge? when you tackle so hard for a ball, whether you get the ball anot, there is a high chance of injuring your opponent.
It is sending a message to those playin in EPL/BPL watever u call it. There is no point in puting you life/leg/career on the line, the get 1-2 years out and that guy who injured you gets a 3 match ban. I wouldnt even blame cesc or anyone who prefer to go la li ga, at least it is call football in spain, skill and speed. In england you are dealing with brute force and long throw.
Aaron Ramsey has won us the match, if not for his injury and Shawcross red card, arsenal MIGHT not have won. I must say it affected both arsenal and stoke players as well. The referee might also be affected when he gave the penalty. I know many felt that it was a soft penalty, but i feel that it is a legitmate penalty. becos the defender was opening his arm wide. no doubt it is a ball to hand, but if every one inside the penalty box open his arm and defend like u do in basketball, of cos there is a high chance of hit your arm. den can u just say its ball to hand?
Ball to hand basically means you are retracting your hand and it hits you, not when you open your arm wide and hit your hand.
anyway after that bendner was basically barge off the ball but no penalty was given.
once again fabregas put in a performance that is simply awesome, 2 assist and 1 goal. He is single handedly keeping us in the title. I really hope we can win every single league match from now til the end, title anot, it doesnt matter tat much, but for ramsey to put his foot into the tackle, I would not condone any1 of the arsenal player putting in substandard effort and just jog or stroll around. The effort definitely has to be dere. The title will be Manchester United or Chelsea's to lose.
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