Finally I am able to take a breather, and a moment to type a proper blog. My new colleagues at Iluma are quite friendly and slowly I am able to settle in here. Still, I am quite unhappy about the company. The people in office gets to have new year dinner, go for restaurants for dinner and lunch, we who runs the show for them, we who worked through the chinese new year, dont even get any appreciation from the company. At least, those working at ice-skating and bowling centre gets a $100 dollar ang bao. You work and work and work here and there company just take you for granted.
What I learn from organization behaviour. Extrinsic reward such as money can helps to remove disatisfaction. Currently we have none of these rewards thus we are experiencing high disatisfaction towards the company.
According to the Equility Theory, we should be treated fairly. For other ppl there is dinner, Hong Bao, for us there is nothing thus:
if the measurement of pay is by time, the employee who felt that he or she is treated poorly, he will decrease the effort put into the job since the working hour is fixed. This will in turn affect the performance level as well as productivity.
There you go I am blogging here, a good example of low productivity.
The thing about the theory mention above is that they do not take into account of the particular employee personalities and characteristic. Luckily for the company, I am a very commited and responsible employee thus if I am still working here, I will still work and do what is required of me.
And also according to the 2 factor theory, what keeps me going is the intrinsic reward, meaning job satisfaction and passion. I am happy with my job and I love movie and these are the main things that are compensating all the disatisfactions.
Enuf of the theories and my work, lets hope I can find a good job soon!
Now onto my school work, finally I manage to finish 2 quiz and 1 group assignment. Its a huge relief off my shoulder. Left 1 more group assignment and I am done for the first half of the semester. 17 pts out of 100 is already in my pocket(quiz). I really hope I can score in the group assignment as I really spend alot of time on it. My command of english is quite weak, this is 1 area that I really needs to work on.
Because of my studies, I really didnt have much time to meet up with friends. I have a places that I wan to go and also things I want to do, but I just dun have the time. After completing my marketing group assignment, I will be concentrating onto finding a job. I believe if I want to find any spare time to do the things that I wants to do, the first thing is to find a job that is of a regular office hours.
Though I complaint about money,hong bao and bonus, the main thing that I am upset about is how the way the management handle my request for studies, I have informed them about my studies way back in October 2009, they did not response to it til Jan when my school starts and on top of it, I can feel that dey tried to force me to quit. Only when 2 of the supervisor quit just before the Chinese New Year, they have a shortage of staff, thus they decided to accept my request and transfer me here to test my capability.
Test my foot, the truth is they do not want to help me with my request and chuck me here to cover for the shortage of manpower, if there is enough man power I dun think they accept my request. This makes me realise there is no point in working, there is no point to prove anything, there is no point in working hard for them. They need you they will accede to this and that, if they don't need you, you are expandable. think that I work so hard last year for them, ZERO MC,
No MC doesnt means I am not sick, it means I am sick and yet I still worked. ok enough with the complaints haha.
That is an angry employee for you.