Friday, 28 November 2008

12:14 Monday 24 November 2008

Well blogging is an instant inspiration. You suddenly think of something and you just feel like writing it out. If you dont, you will lose the momentum and you will forget what you wanted to write about.

Just within a space of lets say 5 min, if you listen to a song, your mood changes thus your inspiration. At times I am feeling blue and i feel like writing a emotional post but because of listening to a lively song, my mood lifted. Whatever that I wanted to write suddenly became irrelevant.

Not just a song, a phone call, a drink, an article or even color, all can change how you actually feel and what you wanted to write.

For this very instance, 12:14 Monday 24 November 2008, I have this “urge” to write a blog immediately i put down my luggage and change into home clothes and I wrote this post. I didnt have anything in mind to write about, just a feeling to say something. I had an inspiration but it wasn't clear, but thoughts and words just came to my mind as I type.

Consider this, if I took a bath or a rest before I wrote, this post would be different.

Everything that is happening in every instance, have a cause and effect. What you think and what you do will affect what proceed. Trivia as it can be but it makes a difference. Is life a cause and effect, affected by your decision with interaction? Is life controlled by fate and destiny? Or life is just a random probability that just happens as it happen...

The 2 minute you took to read this post could have change something. You could have wanted to do this or that but it might have changed. You could have done another thing instead. Another thought might have came to your mind, which could have cause you to do another thing.

I finish typing this post at 12:25 Monday 24 November 2008, I wrote it off line. I will post it online tomorrow, but the me tomorrow would not share this feeling with me now, I might feel that this post is very meaningful now, but the me tomorrow could see this as something random.

I wrote this post seriously, and I hope you take time and see what I am trying to say, rather than just another post.