Was actually searching for Fullmetal Alchemist in youtube, but i just chance upon this song by Des'ree, LIFE. It really brings back memory, "To Heart" is really one of the first japanese drama that I watched. It leaves a very lasting impression on me. The drama OST, includes this track from Des'ree, I really like tis song alot!
What really suprise me most is, all this years, I listen to this song time and time again. I always thought des'ree is a japanese. Little did I know she is a latin american (born in barbados). I did a search on where is barbados, it is actually a part of a cluster of islands called the west indies or caribbean, which is somewhere in e middle of south and north america. It is a tourist spot and gosh, the beach is awesome, really just awe-inspiring. I just added it to my must travel destination.