Jloo had his retribution last night for lashing out at yixing verbally. Jloo said that yixing only knows how to get the ball from the opponent and do not know how to put the ball in the net. He was prove so wrong...
totalling the points yixing scored yesterday, it could easily be twice of his usual standard. Shots and lay up just keep going in for him. Jloo was utterly humiliated...put to shame by some1 half his height.
Credit to jloo for playing through the pain barrier. He had a cut on his right foot yet he still can make it for the match.
I had a challenge last night and an obstacle last night. My challenge is to pair up with irving and find a style that suit both of us.
I must say this, for quite sometime i didnt wanted to team up with irving. Not becos he is lousy or anything. Just that his style and my style kinda crash with 1 another. Just like lampard and gerrard haha. So i told jloo my challenge would be to team up with irving and develop some partnership.
Amazingly 3 out 3 match, he is in my team. The 1st match we lost. Dun quite understand why we lost, we just cant seem to click as a team, Loo irv and me. Rh aaron and yixing was defending very well and we had no rebound to speak of.
The 2nd match was a gone case b4 it started. I was team up with Yixing and Irving. Wah damn cool I was the tallest. YEAH~! Irving said that we had to score with every single shot, cos there is no way we can get the rebound. He was half right though. We score when we had chance but we manage to get a few rebound also. This match is very exciting. The score was 8-0, i score straight 8 points b4 they equalised at 10-10. they even go ahead at 10-12. We were playing neck by neck in this match with rh loo and aaron scoring easy shots. Yixing then took over the scoring reign to hit 18-14.
At this point of time rh decide to go on a solo mission, a 2 pointer followed by another 3 pointer. The score now stands 18-19. Just a few mins ago we seem on course to win, in bball a string of shot can change things real fast. At 18-19 no doubt we are breathing heavily. Its no easy to go against a team with 3 person who's height each is twice of my 2 team mate adds up.
Our tactic were very simple but effective. Every rebound that came down we just tap the ball, there were time where we would tap the ball away from our own team mate but that doesnt matter. We cant leave it to chance. If any 1 of aaron rh or loo had the ball under e net, we wouldnt be able to defend.
The other tactic is we didnt stop moving, we kept running at them and my team really had alot of movement. With movement came space, irving punish them with a solo 2 point lay up. With the score at 20-19, who has e ball will have the mental edge. I told irv and yixing to kept running at them, i know we do not have stamina any more but if we stop their height advantage would edge us. In the end some 1 shoot, i cant rem who but the ball fell to jloo, and for some reason he dodge it. The ball hit jloo's back and irving had e simple task of putting it back in.
final score 22-19. there wasnt much different between us. Perhaps we won be cos jloo team have some ocassional lapse of defending gifting us a few points.
The 3rd match was with outsiders, so no comments and nothing much to comment. Haha
4th match ended halfway with Rh injury. He landed and step on my leg while i was running away thus he lost he footing. A very unfortunate accident. Let us all wish he recover well.
Players review:
Jloo, despite being a crippled, he was able to do damage with his trademark lay up. His injury didnt affect his performance much, but rebound wise he wasnt able to jump too much.
Moment of brilliance, he was double team by me and irving, with us going hard at him, he dance tru us and turn on IRVING's side for a lay up.
Moment of dumbness, rh was injured on the floor with us all being concerned, jloo walk over and ask rh where is his toe...that a very single-celledness question...
Chew One Star, prove jloo wrong with his scoring prowness. Mark his player well and run like a mad dog.
Moment of brilliance, 3 consecutive scoring streak 1 shot 2 lay up which condemn me and and irv defeat of 1st match.
Moment of unsportingness, aaron was hit by a bball and instead of giving aaron a breather, he went in for a steal on the ball.
Aaron, improve from the previous session, Position was better, always in scoring position and open position where we can pass the ball to him. Hit a couple of good shots. As said earlier with practice, he would be a good player soon.
Moment of brilliance, a fast break to him with a pass, he gone on a jump shot slice the board and into the net.
Moment of Dreaming, during a fast break i intended to do a 1st time pass to him only to call out his name and see him walking away haha
Irving, definitely more like e 1 i know in the past, willingness to run and go for the ball. Accuracy of lay up improved. So did his passing and rebound. Though distinctly short but he make up his shortness by distracting and irritating the taller ppl under the net. Constantly tapping the ball away even from his team mate.
Moment of brilliance, with the defence drawn out by me and yixing, irving run in the open side with a deft and swift lay up.
Moment of Shortness, was so obesessed with being short that he had to tap the ball away from yixing(opponent for this match). I had to walk over and remind him that he is taller than yixing
Rh, the rh i saw yesterday was definitely a shooter. Sharp shooting. Last post i comment that ur shooting off totally off, today its was razor sharp. This is e obstacle i was talking about, yesterday was personal btw me and rh. Man for man he always takes on me. Once again i was shut out not scoring alot yesterday, i would attibute this to his defending and constant pressing.
Moment of brilliance, A quick 2 pts and a sharp 3 pointer almost seal a victory.
Moment of slackness, for once i saw tat his not committed in the 3rd match against the outsiders.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
"vomitted" onto my blog
Haven been able to login to my blog for e past 3 wks. Not sure whats the error but it seems that the library wireless cant access to blogspot. Right now i am at mac and everything seems back to normal. will be writing up on the night cycling soon.
1 week without internet alot to read tru. i read thru 4 arsenal fans blog. Seems like i really miss alot. Burnsley, wigan and porto. Not sure if u guys read about eboue personal show in wigan match.
Eboue was said to tackle toure and pass e ball to wigan player. Didnt see it myself but i will be looking for e video before any further comments.
Now on to the belated william gallas report.
1st in his biography he referred to a guy 8 years younger in french squad with name starting with a S______. during that period the only youngster in french team were samir nasri. Its was reported that they had a quarrel during training. Gallas said that if he were a 18 year old he would not have spoke to some 1 who is in the game for 10 years with that kind of attitude.
2nd here reveal that there were unhappiness and quarrels in the dressing room during half-time of 4-4 draw with tottenham. Its was reported tat he said that he had to break up a fight between van persie and walcott. The 25 year old also insulted the team.
The only 25 year old were eboue eduardo and van persie. Eduardo did not play, thus the obvious candidate was van persie. But after chelsea match van persie pleaded innocent and tat he played no part in the incident. Eboue is now the primary suspect.
Gallas was stripped of captaincy the nx day. What gallas did was wrong but i felt that the way wenger handled the situation was more severe den it should be. Left behind for man city trip and strip of captaincy. The way wenger handled it was ruthless. I tot he might attribute the whole gallas thing as “misquoted” “misunderstood” or “mischievously misinterpreted”
Wenger could have let the whole thing died off if he wanted but instead he choose to punish gallas. Its seems to me to be more than meet the eyes. Something must have happened. But for all e right or wrong reason, this is a right move
1st the situation is so bad now that fabregas dun have any pressure at all to be a captain. If he fails to inspire arsenal, its because arsenal is weak, lousy players, lack of depth.
If arsenal lose, he wont be blamed because arsenal have lost to fulham hull and stoke. Whatever he do he wont be a fault, thus no pressure. If he do well and arsenal win, all the credit will be fabregas. A win win situation for wenger.
2nd there is faction in the team, ppl who like gallas and ppl who dun. How can a team play well when the captain is not well receive by some ppl. Fabregas is the undisputed to be captain. Simply nobody did more for arsenal den him.
3rd wenger wanted to give fabregas a sense of responsibility to arsenal. As a captain fabregas cannot turn his back on arsenal if other big club came calling. Wenger wanted fabregas to feel indebted to arsenal, to wenger. If fabregas fail to win arsenal trophy he cant leave, because that will be like letting arsenal down. If arsenal win anything wenger will acclaim that fabregas is icon, legend and captain of arsenal making it difficult to leave.
Watever the reason is, for long term and short term this is a right decision to appoint fabregas as captain and gallas outburst only serve to set all this up for wenger plot.
Its also quite so funny to me suddenly arsenal seems to be under alot of pressure. Every match, may it be burnsley wigan or fulham, its seems like a must win. A loss or draw seems to be crisis. Fans will call for head and said bla and bla play like zidane against man u and chelsea but against wigan he play like salif diao. Every arsenal player is so scrutinized that dey can no longer have a bad day.
But this is a hole that the players digged for demself and wenger is the 1 who gave them the shovel.
Eboue was said to tackle toure and pass e ball to wigan player. Didnt see it myself but i will be looking for e video before any further comments.
Now on to the belated william gallas report.
1st in his biography he referred to a guy 8 years younger in french squad with name starting with a S______. during that period the only youngster in french team were samir nasri. Its was reported that they had a quarrel during training. Gallas said that if he were a 18 year old he would not have spoke to some 1 who is in the game for 10 years with that kind of attitude.
2nd here reveal that there were unhappiness and quarrels in the dressing room during half-time of 4-4 draw with tottenham. Its was reported tat he said that he had to break up a fight between van persie and walcott. The 25 year old also insulted the team.
The only 25 year old were eboue eduardo and van persie. Eduardo did not play, thus the obvious candidate was van persie. But after chelsea match van persie pleaded innocent and tat he played no part in the incident. Eboue is now the primary suspect.
Gallas was stripped of captaincy the nx day. What gallas did was wrong but i felt that the way wenger handled the situation was more severe den it should be. Left behind for man city trip and strip of captaincy. The way wenger handled it was ruthless. I tot he might attribute the whole gallas thing as “misquoted” “misunderstood” or “mischievously misinterpreted”
Wenger could have let the whole thing died off if he wanted but instead he choose to punish gallas. Its seems to me to be more than meet the eyes. Something must have happened. But for all e right or wrong reason, this is a right move
1st the situation is so bad now that fabregas dun have any pressure at all to be a captain. If he fails to inspire arsenal, its because arsenal is weak, lousy players, lack of depth.
If arsenal lose, he wont be blamed because arsenal have lost to fulham hull and stoke. Whatever he do he wont be a fault, thus no pressure. If he do well and arsenal win, all the credit will be fabregas. A win win situation for wenger.
2nd there is faction in the team, ppl who like gallas and ppl who dun. How can a team play well when the captain is not well receive by some ppl. Fabregas is the undisputed to be captain. Simply nobody did more for arsenal den him.
3rd wenger wanted to give fabregas a sense of responsibility to arsenal. As a captain fabregas cannot turn his back on arsenal if other big club came calling. Wenger wanted fabregas to feel indebted to arsenal, to wenger. If fabregas fail to win arsenal trophy he cant leave, because that will be like letting arsenal down. If arsenal win anything wenger will acclaim that fabregas is icon, legend and captain of arsenal making it difficult to leave.
Watever the reason is, for long term and short term this is a right decision to appoint fabregas as captain and gallas outburst only serve to set all this up for wenger plot.
Its also quite so funny to me suddenly arsenal seems to be under alot of pressure. Every match, may it be burnsley wigan or fulham, its seems like a must win. A loss or draw seems to be crisis. Fans will call for head and said bla and bla play like zidane against man u and chelsea but against wigan he play like salif diao. Every arsenal player is so scrutinized that dey can no longer have a bad day.
But this is a hole that the players digged for demself and wenger is the 1 who gave them the shovel.
Bball round up and player analysis
Reach home at 12 and immediately rush down to play basketball with akasutki ppl. Duno what held them up, they came back only 11plus.
Today bball was fun but short lived. Some of the ppl where late thus me, rh and jloo played with a stranger. 2v2, I was paired up with stranger...hate partnering with stranger. Cant get to express myself...
the pace was fast, quite surprise that both loo and rh played with commitment...although me and that guy won, but can see loo and rh heart wasnt in the game, they werent commited to defending that guy. As for me, i tot that that guy were selfish always looking to dribble and do nba style lay up. I reckoned if loo and rh were to mark him seriously they could have stop him. Seeing him with his nba style, i decided to played with anelka style minimizing my effort, and play with auto pilot mode. Clearly my auto pilot mode is burdening him lol...
immediately after that game Jloo was down...he complained of dizziness and set out the rest of our akatuski match. I also felt that my legs were heavy. Lesson learned, do not shop for 5 hour before playing ball. I ran out of legs in the 2nd match. Loo was out thus we played 2v3 and i was in the 2 person team together with cw. Wanted 11 points but most of them insisted more thus settle at 15, amazingly me and cw was up 10-2. today was on foam, lucky for me shot after shot just went in, today was really my day, i was so confident tat there is one shot where i immediately shoot the moment i receive the ball totally no chance to block and it went in. then rh came out and take on me... by then i was running out of legs. They played 3 person triangular passing and that took out alot of stamina on me and cw. We force til a 12-12 game before we crumble..
credit to cw, i tot that he improved. Had more stamina and movement, ran quite alot and trying the spin and turn layup. I was quite impress with cw, although he did not score alot, but his work rate and movement off the ball was affording me the space to shoot. Perhaps he had secret training playing bball with his colleague.
The 2nd match, me irving and cw vs aaron and rh. Rh and aaron were all over the place, gave us a tough time but eventually playing with 1 man less, they succumb to defeat. Aaron did everything he could except to put the ball into the hoop. Aaron have all the attribute to be a very good bball player. He really just need the basic. He can jump real high, react and run fast but so frustratingly he just cant dribble and shoot... if we can play weekly, i guess in 2 months time he would quite a good player.
Rh shooting was really aweful yesterday, we all no where is your standard and yesterday really was not your usual standard. Rh is slowly getting where he should be at...playing like a center and making his presence feld. Rh and loo both are of similar height but when playing against rh i felt he is much much bigger. His frame and together with his extended arm, i hardly get a sight of the hoop when i shoot. All the food he ate at least is not wasted. This is just my opinion but i felt with your frame you should concentrate on dominating the “6 yard box” just below the hoop. Anyone who can shoot from range will be good but i feel that powering ball in from close range or doing lay up should be primary and shooting is secondary. One week i felt that u are a shooter and yesterday i felt that u r a center. Somehow i feel that its hindering you from mastering either a center or a shooter. Doing the primary job will make u a good player, able to do the secondary will make you a world class player, but just dun get into a position where by u are alright being a centre and so so at shooting, that is really bad.
Sometime back i thought that most of us were similar type of player but slowly each of us is evolving with our own style. If we were to foam a team the formation would be.
( )
Jloo CW/Aaron
Irv Sam
Cw, POWER FORWARD, is the kind to cut in,spin turn change angle and lay up.
Strength and weakness: Hard to defence against this kind of lay up but its hard for him to score when doing it also. Will occasionally shoot, but if miss a couple of shot he will not shoot anymore. He will then attempt lay up or cut in and pass. His cut back pass is often by instinct and can be intercepted, need improve on this. Should perfect his lay up and close range shot. Secondary skill will be to mob up rebound and tank, if u do that u wld be a force to be reckon with. While run at full speed to stop his lay up is sucidal, F=MA his M is already close to 100kg, whatever X100= huge, so to stop his lay up, dun allow his space to accelerate.
Jloo, SMALL FORWARD, another who cuts in and shoot, uses ball control and lean backwards or sideways to create space for his lay up or shot. Secondary skill should be able to shoot at longer range will make u devastating.
Strength: excellent ball control hard to steal his ball and accurate while going for lay up. Always know how to shield the ball while laying up making it hard to block. Slightly able to use left hand is a bonus.
Weakness: like to dwell alot on the ball, seldom pass always looking to cut in. Though he have excellent ball control and shields his ball well, his reluctance to pass and insistence to cut in makes him a good target for double team. While defending against him, check your flanks, he is good at cutting into side and lay up, guard against ur flank and force him to cut center and den double team him. He will try to do a lean back shot so u should anticipate it also.
Irving, POINT GUARD, likes to cut in and do a fast lay up, no dribbling fancy stuff, just a simple direct speedy zoom in and score. Likes to shoot from free throw line and occasionally 3pointer.
Strenght: Fast, one our faster player. Hard to steal the ball off him, and if u afford him a slight space, he will attempt to cut you through.
Weakness: dwell on the ball to much, passing is too direct or off target(yesterday night was an example, i had to pick up ur pass at half court line twice or more.) needs to perfect layup, cutting in is not difficult for you but often after u cut in, u miss ur lay up.
Secondary skill will be to b able to up your accuracy in shooting. Often playing against u, i would play deeper cutting off your passing and preventing you from zooming past me but allow u alot space to shoot. I am able to do that because u r not that deadly while shooting if u can shoot better it will be difficult to play against u cos i need to close u down thus allowing u space to zoom past me.
Aaron, POWER FORWARD, still finding his own style but i reckon it will be similar to CW position.
Strength: Fast and agile
Weakness: Need to train alot on basics like dribbling and scoring
Rh, CENTER, still unsure of his position and style i guess.
Strenght: big presence, hard to win rebound off him. Work hard commited. Shooting good defensive work.
Weakness: sometimes dominate some time miss easy shot. Some shot can just totally off.
To stop him u have to prevent him from coming near the basket. Once he is dere e only person to stop him is he himself. Dribbling might not be his forte but IF playing as a center its doesnt really matter that much.
Oh yes not to forget Mr chew one star.Jloo label him as the guy that only knows how to get the ball but not use the ball.
Chew One Star, Point Guard
Strength: Fast(one of the fastest) and very low CG.
Weakness: Like loo say poor at attacking.
I would very much like chew one star in my team because i find him a very supportive player. work hard for the team, run like a mad dog. going for every ball. but with him around, there is always injury.
hope we get to play bball soon...
Today bball was fun but short lived. Some of the ppl where late thus me, rh and jloo played with a stranger. 2v2, I was paired up with stranger...hate partnering with stranger. Cant get to express myself...
the pace was fast, quite surprise that both loo and rh played with commitment...although me and that guy won, but can see loo and rh heart wasnt in the game, they werent commited to defending that guy. As for me, i tot that that guy were selfish always looking to dribble and do nba style lay up. I reckoned if loo and rh were to mark him seriously they could have stop him. Seeing him with his nba style, i decided to played with anelka style minimizing my effort, and play with auto pilot mode. Clearly my auto pilot mode is burdening him lol...
immediately after that game Jloo was down...he complained of dizziness and set out the rest of our akatuski match. I also felt that my legs were heavy. Lesson learned, do not shop for 5 hour before playing ball. I ran out of legs in the 2nd match. Loo was out thus we played 2v3 and i was in the 2 person team together with cw. Wanted 11 points but most of them insisted more thus settle at 15, amazingly me and cw was up 10-2. today was on foam, lucky for me shot after shot just went in, today was really my day, i was so confident tat there is one shot where i immediately shoot the moment i receive the ball totally no chance to block and it went in. then rh came out and take on me... by then i was running out of legs. They played 3 person triangular passing and that took out alot of stamina on me and cw. We force til a 12-12 game before we crumble..
credit to cw, i tot that he improved. Had more stamina and movement, ran quite alot and trying the spin and turn layup. I was quite impress with cw, although he did not score alot, but his work rate and movement off the ball was affording me the space to shoot. Perhaps he had secret training playing bball with his colleague.
The 2nd match, me irving and cw vs aaron and rh. Rh and aaron were all over the place, gave us a tough time but eventually playing with 1 man less, they succumb to defeat. Aaron did everything he could except to put the ball into the hoop. Aaron have all the attribute to be a very good bball player. He really just need the basic. He can jump real high, react and run fast but so frustratingly he just cant dribble and shoot... if we can play weekly, i guess in 2 months time he would quite a good player.
Rh shooting was really aweful yesterday, we all no where is your standard and yesterday really was not your usual standard. Rh is slowly getting where he should be at...playing like a center and making his presence feld. Rh and loo both are of similar height but when playing against rh i felt he is much much bigger. His frame and together with his extended arm, i hardly get a sight of the hoop when i shoot. All the food he ate at least is not wasted. This is just my opinion but i felt with your frame you should concentrate on dominating the “6 yard box” just below the hoop. Anyone who can shoot from range will be good but i feel that powering ball in from close range or doing lay up should be primary and shooting is secondary. One week i felt that u are a shooter and yesterday i felt that u r a center. Somehow i feel that its hindering you from mastering either a center or a shooter. Doing the primary job will make u a good player, able to do the secondary will make you a world class player, but just dun get into a position where by u are alright being a centre and so so at shooting, that is really bad.
Sometime back i thought that most of us were similar type of player but slowly each of us is evolving with our own style. If we were to foam a team the formation would be.
( )
Jloo CW/Aaron
Irv Sam
Cw, POWER FORWARD, is the kind to cut in,spin turn change angle and lay up.
Strength and weakness: Hard to defence against this kind of lay up but its hard for him to score when doing it also. Will occasionally shoot, but if miss a couple of shot he will not shoot anymore. He will then attempt lay up or cut in and pass. His cut back pass is often by instinct and can be intercepted, need improve on this. Should perfect his lay up and close range shot. Secondary skill will be to mob up rebound and tank, if u do that u wld be a force to be reckon with. While run at full speed to stop his lay up is sucidal, F=MA his M is already close to 100kg, whatever X100= huge, so to stop his lay up, dun allow his space to accelerate.
Jloo, SMALL FORWARD, another who cuts in and shoot, uses ball control and lean backwards or sideways to create space for his lay up or shot. Secondary skill should be able to shoot at longer range will make u devastating.
Strength: excellent ball control hard to steal his ball and accurate while going for lay up. Always know how to shield the ball while laying up making it hard to block. Slightly able to use left hand is a bonus.
Weakness: like to dwell alot on the ball, seldom pass always looking to cut in. Though he have excellent ball control and shields his ball well, his reluctance to pass and insistence to cut in makes him a good target for double team. While defending against him, check your flanks, he is good at cutting into side and lay up, guard against ur flank and force him to cut center and den double team him. He will try to do a lean back shot so u should anticipate it also.
Irving, POINT GUARD, likes to cut in and do a fast lay up, no dribbling fancy stuff, just a simple direct speedy zoom in and score. Likes to shoot from free throw line and occasionally 3pointer.
Strenght: Fast, one our faster player. Hard to steal the ball off him, and if u afford him a slight space, he will attempt to cut you through.
Weakness: dwell on the ball to much, passing is too direct or off target(yesterday night was an example, i had to pick up ur pass at half court line twice or more.) needs to perfect layup, cutting in is not difficult for you but often after u cut in, u miss ur lay up.
Secondary skill will be to b able to up your accuracy in shooting. Often playing against u, i would play deeper cutting off your passing and preventing you from zooming past me but allow u alot space to shoot. I am able to do that because u r not that deadly while shooting if u can shoot better it will be difficult to play against u cos i need to close u down thus allowing u space to zoom past me.
Aaron, POWER FORWARD, still finding his own style but i reckon it will be similar to CW position.
Strength: Fast and agile
Weakness: Need to train alot on basics like dribbling and scoring
Rh, CENTER, still unsure of his position and style i guess.
Strenght: big presence, hard to win rebound off him. Work hard commited. Shooting good defensive work.
Weakness: sometimes dominate some time miss easy shot. Some shot can just totally off.
To stop him u have to prevent him from coming near the basket. Once he is dere e only person to stop him is he himself. Dribbling might not be his forte but IF playing as a center its doesnt really matter that much.
Oh yes not to forget Mr chew one star.Jloo label him as the guy that only knows how to get the ball but not use the ball.
Chew One Star, Point Guard
Strength: Fast(one of the fastest) and very low CG.
Weakness: Like loo say poor at attacking.
I would very much like chew one star in my team because i find him a very supportive player. work hard for the team, run like a mad dog. going for every ball. but with him around, there is always injury.
hope we get to play bball soon...
John Little Sale
Finally a post about what happens in my real life...
Well... went to expo with Kabuto today. Expo is having John Little sale right now. Spend a fortune today. My finance is in a terrible state now. Lets not dwell in the job and money topic. Will write a post on that later.
Kabuto have been complaining about my sense of dress. I always wear those short when i meet her in toa payoh and she say i look terrible. I stay in tpy so i m very lazy to wear long pant or jean. Thus she suggested that i get a bermuda, well the one that you wear not the triangle where ppl disappear in it.
Other than getting a bermuda,i also bought a surf pants and a black color beetle bug styled “sandle”. Not really a sandle, its those kind that u find in beetle bug shop, not sure what its call but its nice.
I saw a very stylish martini cocktail glass, really very nice and special. Wanted to get 1 of those long ago, i bought a set of 6. My pentagon glass also comes in 6. not sure y their set always sell in sixes.
Spend about 5 hours walkin just the john little fair alone...still got boarders fair just beside but by the time we shop finish boarders already closed.
Time to rush back to bball.
Well... went to expo with Kabuto today. Expo is having John Little sale right now. Spend a fortune today. My finance is in a terrible state now. Lets not dwell in the job and money topic. Will write a post on that later.
Kabuto have been complaining about my sense of dress. I always wear those short when i meet her in toa payoh and she say i look terrible. I stay in tpy so i m very lazy to wear long pant or jean. Thus she suggested that i get a bermuda, well the one that you wear not the triangle where ppl disappear in it.
Other than getting a bermuda,i also bought a surf pants and a black color beetle bug styled “sandle”. Not really a sandle, its those kind that u find in beetle bug shop, not sure what its call but its nice.
I saw a very stylish martini cocktail glass, really very nice and special. Wanted to get 1 of those long ago, i bought a set of 6. My pentagon glass also comes in 6. not sure y their set always sell in sixes.
Spend about 5 hours walkin just the john little fair alone...still got boarders fair just beside but by the time we shop finish boarders already closed.
Time to rush back to bball.
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Bintan Trip Picture Illustrated..
KKK really look funny...
how can simon take a photo with a lady?! aaron will get angry...
2 gay couple...dun need say more...
simon die die wan to squeeze in....
simon once again the extra one haha...
Mr peru
Full volleyball team with cleaner and coach this time.
Our dinner at the town, must say the food is not bad for such a restaurant.
I am doing some telekenesis...phyco crusher!
Forces of evil...u can spot a hand of the left...
Nice place...quite relaxing...

Nice bitch...quite relaxing...
On the right most u can see that KKK is turning into an ape rather den a chicken!
Singapore volleyball team along side our lizard manager

Miss Peru have just become Miss universe!
Bunch of attitude problem ppl
Kok Kok Kay acting in james bond pose...
KKK enjoying his forfeit of rum coke and Mashmellow

Mr Iron Lady (KKK)
KKK's forfeit, look tasty!
Zombie rising from the dead...resident evil 3 (Irving legacy)... look into my eye.... i got cocked eye...
Waking up in day 2 wee hours, ard 4am to watch the stars...
We are going to the town!!! with simon and Kok Kok Kay in couple dress
F4, from left zai zai to right most jerry...
Another zombie, maybe corpse not sure...

Commoners and commoners' friends haha

Commoners together with a chicken
This is from pictionary, try guessing it. winner will win a trip...answer in green chat box on left.
Ms Charrissa the extra...
Oh oh caught in bed...
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Honestly i thought Chelsea deserve to win or at least get something from this game. I felt that the linesman cost them the points they deserve. Twice in the first half Kalou was put through only to be denied by the linesman. Chelsea could have been 2 nil up for those chances.
The first goal by Van persie was a clear offside. I thought that Bosingwa had a touch but replay showed otherwise.
After Arsenal score the second goal, Chelsea panicked, they lost their tempo and shape. Up til this point, Chelsea had dominated the midfield. Arsenal midfield was non-existence. Our strikers was isolated up front. I told Rh if arsenal were to win, it would be chelsea undoing rather then our brilliance.
I was half right, e 1st goal was clearly the linesman fault and the 2nd goal can be attributed to poor defending and also quick finishing from van persie.
Van persie is really the man to watch for arsenal. Dangerous and creative, lets hope RVP stay injury free. I reckon he will rack up points in fantasy football league. I notice that fabregas really plays very deep and do alot of defending. The defending part is really taking out his attacking instinct, I really hope wenger can find a defensive mid to liberate cesc.
I really find denilson similar to fabregas. Creative play, always looking for a pass and cross. But denilson is denied the growing path that cesc have. Cesc played at arsenal right midfield while learning his trade from pires vieira ljunberg and gibertho. Whilst playing in a winning team, there is no pressure and u can learn. When things get tricky vieira henry pires is there to save the day. Denilson is different, he is now expected to start arsenal games week in and out and performed. No mistake is tolerated. I find myself blaming him for 1 bad pass, lose ball but i soon realise he is just 18 if i am not wrong. And he had start only a dozen games up to last season and yet this season he is expected to come into arsenal midfield and play like wonder.
Alex song bilabong, everytime i read report of him, he played badly and always get criticised but whenever i watch him play, i always felt that he does quite alrite and often i find arsenal played better defensively with him around
Perhaps too much is expected of them. But this year denilson and song will really learn alot, no other place in the world will the 2 youngster get the chance to play in and out weekly epl and champions league. Its such a wonderful experience for them. BUT.....
at the cost of arsenal...
The first goal by Van persie was a clear offside. I thought that Bosingwa had a touch but replay showed otherwise.
After Arsenal score the second goal, Chelsea panicked, they lost their tempo and shape. Up til this point, Chelsea had dominated the midfield. Arsenal midfield was non-existence. Our strikers was isolated up front. I told Rh if arsenal were to win, it would be chelsea undoing rather then our brilliance.
I was half right, e 1st goal was clearly the linesman fault and the 2nd goal can be attributed to poor defending and also quick finishing from van persie.
Van persie is really the man to watch for arsenal. Dangerous and creative, lets hope RVP stay injury free. I reckon he will rack up points in fantasy football league. I notice that fabregas really plays very deep and do alot of defending. The defending part is really taking out his attacking instinct, I really hope wenger can find a defensive mid to liberate cesc.
I really find denilson similar to fabregas. Creative play, always looking for a pass and cross. But denilson is denied the growing path that cesc have. Cesc played at arsenal right midfield while learning his trade from pires vieira ljunberg and gibertho. Whilst playing in a winning team, there is no pressure and u can learn. When things get tricky vieira henry pires is there to save the day. Denilson is different, he is now expected to start arsenal games week in and out and performed. No mistake is tolerated. I find myself blaming him for 1 bad pass, lose ball but i soon realise he is just 18 if i am not wrong. And he had start only a dozen games up to last season and yet this season he is expected to come into arsenal midfield and play like wonder.
Alex song bilabong, everytime i read report of him, he played badly and always get criticised but whenever i watch him play, i always felt that he does quite alrite and often i find arsenal played better defensively with him around
Perhaps too much is expected of them. But this year denilson and song will really learn alot, no other place in the world will the 2 youngster get the chance to play in and out weekly epl and champions league. Its such a wonderful experience for them. BUT.....
at the cost of arsenal...
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Fantasy league
This week is a damn damn damn bad week for me in fantasy league. I wanted to put back torres thus i went on a self destructing mission. Dropping reina,bent,carlton cole, lampard, marney, traore just to earn enuf money to put torres.
After i am over and done with for my fantasy league week, Rh at msn just inform me that torres will be enjoying a 3 week holiday as a reward for pulling his hamstring.
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is sososo much shitty, thus i drop torres and put in my beloved vanpersie. I wanted van persie after this chelsea, but torres forced my hand.
Nonetheless van persie score 2 goals against chelsea, with help from the linesman. I really didnt expect him to score 2 goal, i just put him because i know he will score soon and pick up value soon. He reallied save my big fat ass becos my another beloved ronaldo(as a fantasy league player, not as a soccer player) get a very nice darren bent zero point. Well now the onus is on me, watever X zero = 0, nice 1 Kok kok kay, i saw it on the blog and i hear u saying it on the phone, u owe me 4 really really bigbig one!
currently i have earn quite alot of money from the sale of marney lampard traore bent due to their increase in value. if only they dun half my profit, i could have get so much more tranfer budget to spend on... ronaldo and kuyt have also earn me additional cash but for now i am not going to cash on them yet.
I have picked fabregas van persie and denilson on the cheap all dropping below their original value. (Denilson is debatable as he rise and now drop again) Arsenal is bound to enjoy a rise of fortune, 1 van persie just had a 3 match rest, 2 fabregas is captain, 3 arsenal have finish most of the difficult match, 4 denilson is slowly looking like a player capable of scoring the odd goal and creating goals.
Though losing 24 points, luckily i still kept grounds due to everybody scoring low points, really really tanks to persie, gona send him christmas card.
I have added a suprise addition in my squad not gona say it now, the player is of no suprise but the suprise itself is the postion. i drop one of my defender and replace it with a defender that i always wanted to add. If my prediction for my arsenal 3 guardian is right, i might be able to stay top for awhile more...
After i am over and done with for my fantasy league week, Rh at msn just inform me that torres will be enjoying a 3 week holiday as a reward for pulling his hamstring.
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is sososo much shitty, thus i drop torres and put in my beloved vanpersie. I wanted van persie after this chelsea, but torres forced my hand.
Nonetheless van persie score 2 goals against chelsea, with help from the linesman. I really didnt expect him to score 2 goal, i just put him because i know he will score soon and pick up value soon. He reallied save my big fat ass becos my another beloved ronaldo(as a fantasy league player, not as a soccer player) get a very nice darren bent zero point. Well now the onus is on me, watever X zero = 0, nice 1 Kok kok kay, i saw it on the blog and i hear u saying it on the phone, u owe me 4 really really bigbig one!
currently i have earn quite alot of money from the sale of marney lampard traore bent due to their increase in value. if only they dun half my profit, i could have get so much more tranfer budget to spend on... ronaldo and kuyt have also earn me additional cash but for now i am not going to cash on them yet.
I have picked fabregas van persie and denilson on the cheap all dropping below their original value. (Denilson is debatable as he rise and now drop again) Arsenal is bound to enjoy a rise of fortune, 1 van persie just had a 3 match rest, 2 fabregas is captain, 3 arsenal have finish most of the difficult match, 4 denilson is slowly looking like a player capable of scoring the odd goal and creating goals.
Though losing 24 points, luckily i still kept grounds due to everybody scoring low points, really really tanks to persie, gona send him christmas card.
I have added a suprise addition in my squad not gona say it now, the player is of no suprise but the suprise itself is the postion. i drop one of my defender and replace it with a defender that i always wanted to add. If my prediction for my arsenal 3 guardian is right, i might be able to stay top for awhile more...
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