I went to watch the opening premier forbidden kingdom and funny games for the past 2 days respectively. woo damn cool 1st to watch the movie before it was even open.
It was 2 very different scenario. Lets start with funny games.
Tuesday Shadow Fiend win a lucky draw and was awarded 2 ticket to Funny games. I have seen the trailer on TV mobile and it dun seem to be a nice movie. But i was wrong! This whole movie change my perspective of cinematic,it went beyond any other movie have gone. It totally captured my imagination and attention. For the past 2 years, i tot the Korean Movie, The Host, was the worse movie ever, Funny Games manage to pipe the number spot. This movie was horrendously horrible, catastrophically disastrous. Its about 2 phyco-pathetic boys torturing a family before they kill them slowly 1 by 1. Wat can be worse than tat. tying ppl up play phyco game with them. Maybe me and ronghua can outdo them by tying ppl up and lame with dem for 24 hours non-stop. other than tat i cant see anything more sick den the movie.
Using the Einstein, space-time-relativity-quantum i manage to calculate that this movie is a waste of my time. Total waste...shitty movie...
I watch tis movie @ shaw lido, free tickets. Last time i watch another shit movie the host also @ shaw lido, also free tickets. seems like lido+free ticket=shit movie
Wednesday we watch Forbidden Kingdom at vivo city, complimetary ticket from Shadom Fiend's colleague. This time it was much better, it is being organise by mediacorp. DJs and many well known actor were there to catch the opening premier as well. i saw Alan wu and Wong li lin and a couple of dj and host.
Mediacorp invited Wushu and martial art Expect to show case their skill. There was also a reception buffet outside the theatre.
The movie itself was nt bad. Some parts are quite lame and funny, while the kungfu fighting between Jet Li and Jacky chan is awesome. The effect and scene for the movie is the well done. This movie is abt chinese legends and fantasy being shoot in a English way. Imagine Chinese God speaking English. ermm abit weird but u will get to see a different side of it.
There is 2 thing i would like to emphasis on.
1st, i find certain angle the actor in the movie look like fabregas. LOL no wonder they say fabregas look jaded in EPL. How to juggle Kungfun and Soccer @ same time?
2nd, while watching i felt this movie is very lord of the ring. The seeker has to bring the legendary staff to the 5 element mountain and return it to the monkey king god. on the way there the evil boss send troop to capture the staff.
the lord of the ring, frogo have to bring the ring to mount everest to destroy the ring, the evil boss send troop to capture the ring.
The last battle scene was very similar, the main character walk tru a long bridge full of troop and the part where they try to destroy the ring end up @ a volcano, where else they tried to destroy the staff they also use volcano....
Over all this movie is still alrite, storyline wise its is very simple minded. the main attraction will be Jet Li and Jacky chan brother, this is the 1st time 2 Kungfu super star, starred in a same movie.
As u can see in the 3rd photo, Gandof the WHITE(jet li) in the middle, frodo on the left and aragon(jacky chan) at e rite and leaf taylor in the middle