Thursday, 26 July 2007
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
bbq and catering
They X-rayed His Brain, and Found Nothing
No, really. It's not the old joke.
There's a guy in France, 44, married, father of two, works as a civil servant, who has practically no brain but lives a normal life.
We'll pause while you make your own joke: "And his name is [insert boss's name]."
The man in question was complaining of weakness in his leg. Docs took his history, learned he had had a shunt in his brain as a child to drain off water on the brain. It was removed at age 14.
So they took a CT scan and an MRI, and found that almost his entire skull was filled with fluid, not brains.
There was just a thin sheet of actual brain tissue.
The guy's IQ is 75, well below average but not considered retarded.
There's a guy in France, 44, married, father of two, works as a civil servant, who has practically no brain but lives a normal life.
We'll pause while you make your own joke: "And his name is [insert boss's name]."
The man in question was complaining of weakness in his leg. Docs took his history, learned he had had a shunt in his brain as a child to drain off water on the brain. It was removed at age 14.
So they took a CT scan and an MRI, and found that almost his entire skull was filled with fluid, not brains.
There was just a thin sheet of actual brain tissue.
The guy's IQ is 75, well below average but not considered retarded.
Monday, 23 July 2007
Ignite Your Metabolism
Any man can tell you: Dropping a few pounds is one thing; becoming Brad Pitt-in-Fight Club lean is quite another. Which is why you'll never mistake Jared Fogle for Tyler Durden. After all, if torching that last bit of belly flab were as easy as eating 6-inch sandwiches, the Subway guy would surely be sporting a six-pack by now.
The fact is, the closer you are to achieving legendary leanness, the more stubborn your fat stores become. It's really self-preservation: Your body is designed to protect your fuel reserves from running too low, just in case food becomes scarce. And while that might have been a handy biological feature in the Paleolithic age, it's hardly necessary in 21st-century America. The secret to disabling this? Igniting your metabolism.
By learning how to fire up your body's internal furnace with exercise, you can accelerate fat loss and finish off your gut for good--revealing the chiseled muscles hidden beneath. All it takes is a little knowledge, coupled with a steady dose of physical effort. We provide the first half of that formula here; your charge is to handle the second.
How to Lose the Last 10
No matter what exercise you choose, there's only so much fat you can burn during, say, a 30-minute workout. And research shows that the better trained you become, the more your body's "exercise efficiency" improves -- meaning the same amount of activity burns fewer calories as time goes by. For instance, University of California at Berkeley scientists determined that to avoid age-related weight gain, avid runners need to boost their weekly mileage by 1.7 miles every year.
So to lose the last 10 pounds, you have to think beyond how much fat you burn during your workout. Instead, focus on the amount you burn during the other 23 hours and 30 minutes of your day -- while you're sitting at your desk, lounging in front of the television, and lying in bed sleeping. And to achieve this benefit, you need to hit the weights and do interval sprints. By knowing the right combination of sets, repetitions, rest periods, and exercises and the best method of cardio, you can create a workout that not only burns as many calories as a 4-mile jog, but, unlike that jog, also unleashes a flood of fat-burning hormones that stoke your metabolism for hours after you exercise. The result: Your body's fat-burning furnace runs on high all day long, even when you're sitting on the couch. Here's how to build the perfect metabolism-boosting workout plan, step-by-step.
Do Eight to 15 Repetitions of Each Set
Doing your one-repetition max may make you feel like a big man, but if your goal is not looking like one, then you're better off pumping out more reps. Research shows that performing sets of eight to 15 repetitions stimulates the greatest increase in fat-burning hormones, compared with doing a greater or fewer number of repetitions.
The one caveat is that you have to use a weight that provides an adequate challenge. For instance, doing eight repetitions with a weight you can lift 15 times won't be very effective. After all, it's only about 50 percent of the work your muscles are actually capable of performing. Instead, you want to give between 90 and 100 percent of your full effort for any given repetition range. A good way to gauge how you're doing: If you start to struggle by your last repetition, you'll know that you're in the ballpark.
Perform Two to Four Sets of Each Exercise
Turns out, it doesn't take much weight work to rev up your metabolism. Ball State University researchers discovered that fat-burning hormones increase when you complete just one set of an exercise.
And while doing more sets boosts your hormone levels to an even greater extent, there is a cutoff: In a recent study, Greek scientists determined that there is no difference between doing four sets and six sets of each exercise. So consider two to four to be the optimal number of sets for speeding fat loss, depending on your current level of fitness. For example, you'll want to use the low side of this recommendation when you're just starting out, and increase your number of sets as you become better conditioned. After all, losing weight by losing your lunch is never the goal. (For a complete workout that combines all the metabolism-boosting principles we're outlining in this story, see "Your Six-Pack Plan" on page four.)
Rest No Longer than 75 Seconds Between Sets
Look around any gym and you'll find that rest periods are usually dictated by how chatty a man's workout partner is. But by closely adhering to specific rest periods of no longer than 75 seconds, you can speed fat loss. Here's how it works: Doing sets of eight to 15 repetitions results in the accumulation of a chemical called lactate in your bloodstream. And high lactate levels are associated with an increase in the release of fat-burning hormones. However, resting too long between sets allows the oxygen you breathe to help clear the lactate from your bloodstream. Keep your recovery time short, though, and you'll keep your blood levels of lactate -- and fat-burning hormones -- high. That means more fat is burned while you rest.
Work Your Entire Body
How much you elevate your metabolism after your workout is directly related to the amount of muscle you activate at any one time. So you'll want to focus on movements that work multiple muscles, as opposed to those that attempt to isolate muscle groups. For instance, you'll experience a much greater boost in metabolism by performing 10 repetitions of the squat, compared with 10 repetitions of an isolation exercise, such as the biceps curl.
In addition, by training your whole body each session, you'll work the most muscle possible. A University of Wisconsin study found that when men performed a full-body workout involving just three big-muscle exercises -- the bench press, power clean, and squat -- their metabolisms were elevated for 39 hours afterward. What's more, they also burned a greater percentage of their calories from fat during this time, compared with men who didn't do a total-body workout. The take-home message is clear: Complete an intense full-body weight workout 3 days a week, resting a day between sessions, and you'll keep your metabolism humming along in a much higher gear at all times.
Alternate Between Two Exercises
Why spend more time in the gym than you need to? Each time you do a set of an exercise, rest, then follow with a set that works muscles that weren't involved in the previous movement, and rest again. For example, you might pair an upper-body exercise with a lower-body move, or an exercise that works your chest muscles with one that hits your back. Once you've done one set of each exercise, repeat the process until you've completed all the planned sets of both movements. This method is called "alternating sets" and allows one group of muscles to rest while another group works, and vice versa. The benefit? You can limit your rest periods, which will keep your lactate levels high while giving specific muscles more time to recover between sets. It's a strategy that helps offset fatigue and ensures you give your best effort to each set.
Monitor Your Lifting Tempo
Remember, your goal is to work your muscles as hard as possible on each repetition of each set. And that means you need to control the speed at which you raise and lower the weight. By performing an exercise too fast -- for instance, lowering your body quickly and "bouncing" up from a squat -- you take some of the stress off your muscles and place it on your tendons. The trouble is, stressing your tendons doesn't boost your metabolism the same way that challenging your muscles does. (At least not that scientists know of yet.)
As a general rule, try to take 3 seconds to lower the weight, and then pause for a second before lifting it. This helps eliminate the elastic energy that allows you to bounce, forcing your muscles to work their hardest on every repetition.
Skip the Long Runs
Sure, aerobic exercise burns calories. However, if you're already dieting -- and you'd better be if you want to see your abs -- studies show that distance running does little to further enhance fat loss. Most likely this is because aerobic exercise doesn't boost your metabolism after your workout. But that doesn't mean cardio can't help: High-intensity intervals -- such as short sprints of 30 seconds or more, interspersed with a slow jog -- are great for accelerating fat loss. Why? Because they're similar to weight training. After all, a 200-meter sprint challenges your lower-body muscles hard for 30 seconds or more, just like a set of eight repetitions of the squat. So by doing a few intervals on the days you don't lift weights, you can spike your metabolism even higher.
Your Six-Pack Plan
Build muscle and lose fat with this 4-week training program
The Weight Workout
Alternate between weight workout A and weight workout B, 3 days a week, resting at least a day between sessions.
Perform each pair of exercises as alternating sets. That is, do one set of the first exercise, rest for the prescribed amount of time, then do one set of the second exercise, and rest again. Repeat until you've performed all the recommended sets.
Note that the sets, repetitions, and amount you rest between sets change from week to week.
Workout A
1. Split squat + barbell lunge
2. Romanian deadlift + standing dumbbell press
3. Dumbbell bench press + chinup
Workout B
1. Front squat + close-grip chinup
2. Dumbbell stepup + barbell bench press
3. Standing barbell shoulder press + dumbbell face pull
Week Sets Reps Rest
1 2 15 75
2 2 15 60
3 3 12 75
4 3 12 60
The Interval Workout
Alternate between interval workout A and interval workout B, 2 days a week, on the days between your weight workouts.
To perform the intervals, run or cycle at the fastest pace you can maintain for the duration of the sprint time. Then slow down to a pace that's about 30 percent of your full effort for the "recovery time."
Repeat until you've completed all the prescribed intervals for each workout.
Workout A
Week Intervals Sprint Time Recovery Time
1-2 4 30 seconds 90 seconds
3-4 6 30 seconds 90 seconds
Workout B
Week Intervals Sprint Time Recovery Time
1-2 3 60 seconds 180 seconds
3-4 5 60 seconds 180 seconds
Split Squat
Rest a barbell on your trapezoids and stand with one foot 2 and a half to 3 feet in fron of the other, each in line with its corresponding buttock. Keep your upper body erect as you descend until the top of your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Pause, then press back up to the starting position.
Romanian Deadlift
Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing your thighs). Keeping your knees slightly bent and your back naturally arched, push your hips back and lower the weights until they’re just below your knees. Then push yourself back up.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back on a bench or Swiss ball. Hold the dumbbells at arm's length above your chest. (If you don't have a bench or Swiss ball, do the exercise lying on the floor.) Lower the dumbbells to your chest, then press the weights back up. (Without a bench or Swiss ball: Lower the dumbbells until your upper arms touch the floor. Then press the weights back to the starting position.)
Front Squat
Grab a pair of dumbbells so that your palms are facing each other and rest the ends on the meatiest part of your shoulders (not your collarbone). Your upper arms should be parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your body as if you were sitting back into a chair, keeping your back in its natural alignment and your lower legs nearly perpendicular to the floor. When your upper thighs are parallel to the floor, pause, and then return to the starting position.but having the weight closer to the floor makes it easier to balance throughout the lift.
Dumbbell Stepup
Holding a pair of dumbbells at your side, stand facing a step or bench. Place one foot on step and push down through your heel to lift your other leg up to the step. Return to the starting position and finish a set of 12 to 15 reps with one leg before switching legs and repeating the exercise.
Barbell Bench Press
Keep doing pushups in week 2, but add this. Do three sets of 12 repetitions to improve chest strength. Lie back on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Remove the bar from the uprights using an overhand grip (palms facing away from you), your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower the bar to your chest, just below the nipples. Pause, then press the weight back up until your arms are straight again.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
Grab a barbell with a shoulder-width, overhand grip. Stand holding the barbell in front of you at shoulder level, your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Push the weight straight overhead, leaning your head back slightly but keeping your torso upright. Pause, then slowly lower the bar to the starting position.
The fact is, the closer you are to achieving legendary leanness, the more stubborn your fat stores become. It's really self-preservation: Your body is designed to protect your fuel reserves from running too low, just in case food becomes scarce. And while that might have been a handy biological feature in the Paleolithic age, it's hardly necessary in 21st-century America. The secret to disabling this? Igniting your metabolism.
By learning how to fire up your body's internal furnace with exercise, you can accelerate fat loss and finish off your gut for good--revealing the chiseled muscles hidden beneath. All it takes is a little knowledge, coupled with a steady dose of physical effort. We provide the first half of that formula here; your charge is to handle the second.
How to Lose the Last 10
No matter what exercise you choose, there's only so much fat you can burn during, say, a 30-minute workout. And research shows that the better trained you become, the more your body's "exercise efficiency" improves -- meaning the same amount of activity burns fewer calories as time goes by. For instance, University of California at Berkeley scientists determined that to avoid age-related weight gain, avid runners need to boost their weekly mileage by 1.7 miles every year.
So to lose the last 10 pounds, you have to think beyond how much fat you burn during your workout. Instead, focus on the amount you burn during the other 23 hours and 30 minutes of your day -- while you're sitting at your desk, lounging in front of the television, and lying in bed sleeping. And to achieve this benefit, you need to hit the weights and do interval sprints. By knowing the right combination of sets, repetitions, rest periods, and exercises and the best method of cardio, you can create a workout that not only burns as many calories as a 4-mile jog, but, unlike that jog, also unleashes a flood of fat-burning hormones that stoke your metabolism for hours after you exercise. The result: Your body's fat-burning furnace runs on high all day long, even when you're sitting on the couch. Here's how to build the perfect metabolism-boosting workout plan, step-by-step.
Do Eight to 15 Repetitions of Each Set
Doing your one-repetition max may make you feel like a big man, but if your goal is not looking like one, then you're better off pumping out more reps. Research shows that performing sets of eight to 15 repetitions stimulates the greatest increase in fat-burning hormones, compared with doing a greater or fewer number of repetitions.
The one caveat is that you have to use a weight that provides an adequate challenge. For instance, doing eight repetitions with a weight you can lift 15 times won't be very effective. After all, it's only about 50 percent of the work your muscles are actually capable of performing. Instead, you want to give between 90 and 100 percent of your full effort for any given repetition range. A good way to gauge how you're doing: If you start to struggle by your last repetition, you'll know that you're in the ballpark.
Perform Two to Four Sets of Each Exercise
Turns out, it doesn't take much weight work to rev up your metabolism. Ball State University researchers discovered that fat-burning hormones increase when you complete just one set of an exercise.
And while doing more sets boosts your hormone levels to an even greater extent, there is a cutoff: In a recent study, Greek scientists determined that there is no difference between doing four sets and six sets of each exercise. So consider two to four to be the optimal number of sets for speeding fat loss, depending on your current level of fitness. For example, you'll want to use the low side of this recommendation when you're just starting out, and increase your number of sets as you become better conditioned. After all, losing weight by losing your lunch is never the goal. (For a complete workout that combines all the metabolism-boosting principles we're outlining in this story, see "Your Six-Pack Plan" on page four.)
Rest No Longer than 75 Seconds Between Sets
Look around any gym and you'll find that rest periods are usually dictated by how chatty a man's workout partner is. But by closely adhering to specific rest periods of no longer than 75 seconds, you can speed fat loss. Here's how it works: Doing sets of eight to 15 repetitions results in the accumulation of a chemical called lactate in your bloodstream. And high lactate levels are associated with an increase in the release of fat-burning hormones. However, resting too long between sets allows the oxygen you breathe to help clear the lactate from your bloodstream. Keep your recovery time short, though, and you'll keep your blood levels of lactate -- and fat-burning hormones -- high. That means more fat is burned while you rest.
Work Your Entire Body
How much you elevate your metabolism after your workout is directly related to the amount of muscle you activate at any one time. So you'll want to focus on movements that work multiple muscles, as opposed to those that attempt to isolate muscle groups. For instance, you'll experience a much greater boost in metabolism by performing 10 repetitions of the squat, compared with 10 repetitions of an isolation exercise, such as the biceps curl.
In addition, by training your whole body each session, you'll work the most muscle possible. A University of Wisconsin study found that when men performed a full-body workout involving just three big-muscle exercises -- the bench press, power clean, and squat -- their metabolisms were elevated for 39 hours afterward. What's more, they also burned a greater percentage of their calories from fat during this time, compared with men who didn't do a total-body workout. The take-home message is clear: Complete an intense full-body weight workout 3 days a week, resting a day between sessions, and you'll keep your metabolism humming along in a much higher gear at all times.
Alternate Between Two Exercises
Why spend more time in the gym than you need to? Each time you do a set of an exercise, rest, then follow with a set that works muscles that weren't involved in the previous movement, and rest again. For example, you might pair an upper-body exercise with a lower-body move, or an exercise that works your chest muscles with one that hits your back. Once you've done one set of each exercise, repeat the process until you've completed all the planned sets of both movements. This method is called "alternating sets" and allows one group of muscles to rest while another group works, and vice versa. The benefit? You can limit your rest periods, which will keep your lactate levels high while giving specific muscles more time to recover between sets. It's a strategy that helps offset fatigue and ensures you give your best effort to each set.
Monitor Your Lifting Tempo
Remember, your goal is to work your muscles as hard as possible on each repetition of each set. And that means you need to control the speed at which you raise and lower the weight. By performing an exercise too fast -- for instance, lowering your body quickly and "bouncing" up from a squat -- you take some of the stress off your muscles and place it on your tendons. The trouble is, stressing your tendons doesn't boost your metabolism the same way that challenging your muscles does. (At least not that scientists know of yet.)
As a general rule, try to take 3 seconds to lower the weight, and then pause for a second before lifting it. This helps eliminate the elastic energy that allows you to bounce, forcing your muscles to work their hardest on every repetition.
Skip the Long Runs
Sure, aerobic exercise burns calories. However, if you're already dieting -- and you'd better be if you want to see your abs -- studies show that distance running does little to further enhance fat loss. Most likely this is because aerobic exercise doesn't boost your metabolism after your workout. But that doesn't mean cardio can't help: High-intensity intervals -- such as short sprints of 30 seconds or more, interspersed with a slow jog -- are great for accelerating fat loss. Why? Because they're similar to weight training. After all, a 200-meter sprint challenges your lower-body muscles hard for 30 seconds or more, just like a set of eight repetitions of the squat. So by doing a few intervals on the days you don't lift weights, you can spike your metabolism even higher.
Your Six-Pack Plan
Build muscle and lose fat with this 4-week training program
The Weight Workout
Alternate between weight workout A and weight workout B, 3 days a week, resting at least a day between sessions.
Perform each pair of exercises as alternating sets. That is, do one set of the first exercise, rest for the prescribed amount of time, then do one set of the second exercise, and rest again. Repeat until you've performed all the recommended sets.
Note that the sets, repetitions, and amount you rest between sets change from week to week.
Workout A
1. Split squat + barbell lunge
2. Romanian deadlift + standing dumbbell press
3. Dumbbell bench press + chinup
Workout B
1. Front squat + close-grip chinup
2. Dumbbell stepup + barbell bench press
3. Standing barbell shoulder press + dumbbell face pull
Week Sets Reps Rest
1 2 15 75
2 2 15 60
3 3 12 75
4 3 12 60
The Interval Workout
Alternate between interval workout A and interval workout B, 2 days a week, on the days between your weight workouts.
To perform the intervals, run or cycle at the fastest pace you can maintain for the duration of the sprint time. Then slow down to a pace that's about 30 percent of your full effort for the "recovery time."
Repeat until you've completed all the prescribed intervals for each workout.
Workout A
Week Intervals Sprint Time Recovery Time
1-2 4 30 seconds 90 seconds
3-4 6 30 seconds 90 seconds
Workout B
Week Intervals Sprint Time Recovery Time
1-2 3 60 seconds 180 seconds
3-4 5 60 seconds 180 seconds
Split Squat
Rest a barbell on your trapezoids and stand with one foot 2 and a half to 3 feet in fron of the other, each in line with its corresponding buttock. Keep your upper body erect as you descend until the top of your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Pause, then press back up to the starting position.
Romanian Deadlift
Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing your thighs). Keeping your knees slightly bent and your back naturally arched, push your hips back and lower the weights until they’re just below your knees. Then push yourself back up.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back on a bench or Swiss ball. Hold the dumbbells at arm's length above your chest. (If you don't have a bench or Swiss ball, do the exercise lying on the floor.) Lower the dumbbells to your chest, then press the weights back up. (Without a bench or Swiss ball: Lower the dumbbells until your upper arms touch the floor. Then press the weights back to the starting position.)
Front Squat
Grab a pair of dumbbells so that your palms are facing each other and rest the ends on the meatiest part of your shoulders (not your collarbone). Your upper arms should be parallel to the floor. Slowly lower your body as if you were sitting back into a chair, keeping your back in its natural alignment and your lower legs nearly perpendicular to the floor. When your upper thighs are parallel to the floor, pause, and then return to the starting position.but having the weight closer to the floor makes it easier to balance throughout the lift.
Dumbbell Stepup
Holding a pair of dumbbells at your side, stand facing a step or bench. Place one foot on step and push down through your heel to lift your other leg up to the step. Return to the starting position and finish a set of 12 to 15 reps with one leg before switching legs and repeating the exercise.
Barbell Bench Press
Keep doing pushups in week 2, but add this. Do three sets of 12 repetitions to improve chest strength. Lie back on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Remove the bar from the uprights using an overhand grip (palms facing away from you), your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower the bar to your chest, just below the nipples. Pause, then press the weight back up until your arms are straight again.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
Grab a barbell with a shoulder-width, overhand grip. Stand holding the barbell in front of you at shoulder level, your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Push the weight straight overhead, leaning your head back slightly but keeping your torso upright. Pause, then slowly lower the bar to the starting position.
Beach body exercise

Perform these moves in order, resting only as long as it takes to set up between exercises. Then break for 30 seconds and repeat the circuit once or twice. Rest a day between sessions, but stay active outside the gym.
Stair Shuttle
Stand at the bottom of a staircase. Place one foot on the first step, with your opposite arm slightly bent in front of you and your other arm behind your torso and slightly bent, as if you're ready to sprint up the staircase. Begin switching your feet and arms so you're sprinting in place. Go as fast as you can for 30 seconds.
Crab-Walk Pushup
Assume the classic pushup position. Perform a pushup, then squeeze your abs forcefully and slide your left leg and left arm out to the side as far as possible. Do another pushup, then bring your right arm and leg over so you're back in the starting position. That's one repetition. Do two or three reps in each direction.
Agility Run
Place three cones or small objects 5 yards apart in a straight line. The first marker is your starting point. Sprint to the nearest cone and back. Then sprint to the farthest cone and back. That's one repetition. Rest 10 seconds and repeat for five reps. Mix it up to include backpedals, side shuffles, and skips.
Interrupted Pullups
With an overhand grip, place your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart on a bar. Pull your chin over the bar, then lower slowly. Perform two or three pullups, then rest for 10 seconds. Continue this sequence until you can no longer complete two pullups.
Exercises for abs

Sit with your knees bent and your heels on the floor. Keep your torso upright, shoulders back, and arms extended forward, parallel to the floor [A]. Inhale while keeping your belly pulled in. Roll backward, rounding your spine while you hold your chin to your chest. Stop two-thirds of the way to the floor [B]. Exhale and return to the starting position. As you gain strength, roll back closer to the floor.
Get into the down position of a pushup, your hands in line with your shoulders, about 6 inches away from your body. Set your feet hip-width apart. Push up by straightening your arms. Then raise your left leg as high as you can [A]. Keep your leg raised while you perform a normal pushup by lowering your chest to the floor [B]. Keep your back flat and your body rigid. Switch legs on each repetition.
Lose That Gut
When doing crunches and all their variations, you spend a lot of time contemplating your belly. If it's rounder than it oughtta be, try these lean tactics:
Eat Lean. You want a flat stomach? Watch what goes into it. Don't worry, pal, we're not telling you to live on alfalfa sprouts and granola. Most guys can get away with making little changes in their diet. Cut down on fatty toppings like mayo, butter, sour cream and salad dressing. Cut back on cheese and fatty red meats. Graze rather than gorge: eating four to six small meals a day instead of three big ones helps your body burn fuel more efficiently.
Exercise Aerobically. Cycling, rowing, running, whatever -- it's your call. Anything that gets your heart pumping will burn away your blubber. Hit it three days a week for 20-30 minutes to start. And if you can, work out before the dinner bell. Research suggests that a pre-dinner workout is an excellent appetite suppressor.
Relax. When stress hits, one of the first things your body does is crank up its production of adrenaline. This causes fat cells from all over your body to release their stored fat into your bloodstream, so you can burn it and use the calories to ecscape or fight off whatever it is that's giving you the heebee-jeebies. But your stress is probably caused by your boss, your kids or the IRS, so all that newly-released fat goes unused.
What happens next, experts believe, is that the fat is taken out of the bloodstream again -- only this time it's stored preferentially around your belly. (You're probably getting stressed just reading this.) So do whatever you can to de-stress. Take up a hobby that will help you unwind. Take time throughout the day to stretch and breathe deeply. Create a simple after-work ritual -- changing clothes, sorting through the day's mail, or just staring at the wall for a few minutes -- that will cue your body that it's time to decompress.
Friday, 13 July 2007
Club 33 disney secret club
Club 33 is located in the disneyland but it wasnt feature in any of the maps. Club 33 members enjoy access to the club's exclusive restaurant and full bar. It is the only location within Disneyland to offer alcoholic beverages, though Disneyland has a park wide liquor license and has set up bars throughout the park for private events.
Club 33 members are privileged with access to the park 365 days a year. Club 33 offers individual and corporate memberships. In June 2007, Bloomberg News reported that the waiting list to join the club was estimated at nine years. The Los Angeles Times reported that the nine-year waiting list was capped at 1,000 names, with subsequent requests receiving a form letter stating "due to overwhelming demand," Club 33 is not adding names to the list.
Members at any level are allowed to make reservations 90 days in advance. Members at any level can make guest reservations 60 days in advance.
There are various origins that have been claimed for the name "Club 33." One says that Club 33 was named for Disneyland's 33 sponsors at the time, one of which was Chevron. Another explanation is that Walt Disney chose the name simply because he liked the way that "33" looked. Another, given by a Club 33 employee, says that since Walt wanted to serve liquor in the Club he had to obtain a liquor license - which requires a full street address. Walt, wanting to protect Disneyland's alcohol-free status, didn't want to use the park's Harbor Boulevard address, so he ordered that all the buildings in New Orleans Square (then under construction) be given addresses. According to the employee, "33" was chosen because Walt's lucky number was 3. And one explanation, arguably the most common, is that "33" when turned on its side bears similarity to two letter "M"s, as would stand for "Mickey Mouse." In actuality, it was simply the address assigned to the door by chance.
When Walt Disney was working with various corporate promoters for his attractions at the 1964-1965 New York World's Fair, he noted to himself of the various "VIP Lounges" made as a novelty for the corporate elite. This gave him the idea that culminated in Club 33. When the design of New Orleans Square was planned, this special area for corporate sponsors and VIPs was included in it. Disney hired Hollywood set director Emil Kuri to design the facility. Club 33 opened in May 1967, five months after Disney's death.
Club 33 originally was intended for the use of Disneyland's Corporate sponsors and other industry VIPs. After Disney's death, Club 33 was opened up to individual members also.
The door to Club 33 at Disneyland.
The door to Club 33 at Disneyland.
[edit] Interior
To enter Club 33, a guest must press a buzzer on an intercom concealed by a hidden panel in the doorway. A receptionist will ask for their name over the intercom and, if access is granted, open the door to a small, ornate lobby. Guests have the option of going to the dining level via an antique-style glass lift. The lift is an exact replica of one Disney saw and fell in love with during a vacation in Paris, but the owner of the original refused to sell. Undaunted, Disney sent a team of engineers to the Parisian hotel to take exact measurements for use in the creation of a replica; even a sample of the original finish was taken so that it could be duplicated. A spiral staircase to the second level wraps around the lift.
The second level has two dining rooms. One room has dark wood paneling; the other room is more formal but has a lighter environment.
Once at the dining level, guests can view antique furniture pieces collected by Lillian Disney. Walt Disney also handpicked much of the Victorian bric-a-brac in New Orleans antique stores, according to club manager Michael Bracco.
The club is also furnished with props from Disney films. There is a fully functional glass telephone booth just off the lift that was used in The Happiest Millionaire and an ornate walnut table with white marble top that was used in Mary Poppins. A video capture from the film on display atop the table shows actors Karen Dotrice, Matthew Garber and David Tomlinson standing immediately to its left. A newly-installed bar prepares drinks to order for members and their guests.
A harpsichord which was rumored to have been an antique was in fact custom-built for Lillian Disney specifically for use in Club 33. The underside of the lid features a Renaissance-style painting that was actually done by Disney artists. Elton John has played this harpsichord, Bracco told Bloomberg News, and it can be played by anyone who sits down at it.
Walt Disney also wanted to make use of Audio-Animatronic technology within Club 33. Microphones in overhead lighting fixtures would pick up the sounds of normal conversation while an operator would respond via the characters. Though the system was never fully implemented, it was at least partially installed and remains so to this day. An Audio-Animatronic condor is perched in one corner of the club's "Trophy Room." The microphones remain in the room's lighting fixtures and are clearly visible at the bottom of each. The animal trophies (Walt inherited them from a friend), for which the room was named, have been removed by Disney family members. Photos of the room with the trophies still installed can be seen on the walls now. Currently this room is known as the "Disney Room."
Disneyland guests participating in the "Walk In Walt's Footsteps" tour are provided entrance to the lobby of Club 33. The tour guide will provide a brief history of the club and explain some of the artifacts in the lobby. The tour members are allowed to be photographed in the lift but are not allowed upstairs.
For more pictures and info
Club 33 members are privileged with access to the park 365 days a year. Club 33 offers individual and corporate memberships. In June 2007, Bloomberg News reported that the waiting list to join the club was estimated at nine years. The Los Angeles Times reported that the nine-year waiting list was capped at 1,000 names, with subsequent requests receiving a form letter stating "due to overwhelming demand," Club 33 is not adding names to the list.
Members at any level are allowed to make reservations 90 days in advance. Members at any level can make guest reservations 60 days in advance.
There are various origins that have been claimed for the name "Club 33." One says that Club 33 was named for Disneyland's 33 sponsors at the time, one of which was Chevron. Another explanation is that Walt Disney chose the name simply because he liked the way that "33" looked. Another, given by a Club 33 employee, says that since Walt wanted to serve liquor in the Club he had to obtain a liquor license - which requires a full street address. Walt, wanting to protect Disneyland's alcohol-free status, didn't want to use the park's Harbor Boulevard address, so he ordered that all the buildings in New Orleans Square (then under construction) be given addresses. According to the employee, "33" was chosen because Walt's lucky number was 3. And one explanation, arguably the most common, is that "33" when turned on its side bears similarity to two letter "M"s, as would stand for "Mickey Mouse." In actuality, it was simply the address assigned to the door by chance.
When Walt Disney was working with various corporate promoters for his attractions at the 1964-1965 New York World's Fair, he noted to himself of the various "VIP Lounges" made as a novelty for the corporate elite. This gave him the idea that culminated in Club 33. When the design of New Orleans Square was planned, this special area for corporate sponsors and VIPs was included in it. Disney hired Hollywood set director Emil Kuri to design the facility. Club 33 opened in May 1967, five months after Disney's death.
Club 33 originally was intended for the use of Disneyland's Corporate sponsors and other industry VIPs. After Disney's death, Club 33 was opened up to individual members also.
The door to Club 33 at Disneyland.
The door to Club 33 at Disneyland.
[edit] Interior
To enter Club 33, a guest must press a buzzer on an intercom concealed by a hidden panel in the doorway. A receptionist will ask for their name over the intercom and, if access is granted, open the door to a small, ornate lobby. Guests have the option of going to the dining level via an antique-style glass lift. The lift is an exact replica of one Disney saw and fell in love with during a vacation in Paris, but the owner of the original refused to sell. Undaunted, Disney sent a team of engineers to the Parisian hotel to take exact measurements for use in the creation of a replica; even a sample of the original finish was taken so that it could be duplicated. A spiral staircase to the second level wraps around the lift.
The second level has two dining rooms. One room has dark wood paneling; the other room is more formal but has a lighter environment.
Once at the dining level, guests can view antique furniture pieces collected by Lillian Disney. Walt Disney also handpicked much of the Victorian bric-a-brac in New Orleans antique stores, according to club manager Michael Bracco.
The club is also furnished with props from Disney films. There is a fully functional glass telephone booth just off the lift that was used in The Happiest Millionaire and an ornate walnut table with white marble top that was used in Mary Poppins. A video capture from the film on display atop the table shows actors Karen Dotrice, Matthew Garber and David Tomlinson standing immediately to its left. A newly-installed bar prepares drinks to order for members and their guests.
A harpsichord which was rumored to have been an antique was in fact custom-built for Lillian Disney specifically for use in Club 33. The underside of the lid features a Renaissance-style painting that was actually done by Disney artists. Elton John has played this harpsichord, Bracco told Bloomberg News, and it can be played by anyone who sits down at it.
Walt Disney also wanted to make use of Audio-Animatronic technology within Club 33. Microphones in overhead lighting fixtures would pick up the sounds of normal conversation while an operator would respond via the characters. Though the system was never fully implemented, it was at least partially installed and remains so to this day. An Audio-Animatronic condor is perched in one corner of the club's "Trophy Room." The microphones remain in the room's lighting fixtures and are clearly visible at the bottom of each. The animal trophies (Walt inherited them from a friend), for which the room was named, have been removed by Disney family members. Photos of the room with the trophies still installed can be seen on the walls now. Currently this room is known as the "Disney Room."
Disneyland guests participating in the "Walk In Walt's Footsteps" tour are provided entrance to the lobby of Club 33. The tour guide will provide a brief history of the club and explain some of the artifacts in the lobby. The tour members are allowed to be photographed in the lift but are not allowed upstairs.
For more pictures and info
July horoscope for Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
It's your birthday - your favorite time of the year. You have every reason to be optimistic about your year to come, dear Cancer. Life will be brighter than it's been in a long time, for stubborn planetary placements that have held you down are about to move on. You've been through many cosmic storms, particularly in regard to money, but your coming birthday year will be a big improvement over ones past.
There will be two planetary aspects that will bring you reason to rejoice. First, Saturn, the planet that calls for sacrifice and hard work, often against all odds, will finally move out of your house of income on September 2. From then on, your financial tests will be noticeably reduced and may even possibly melt away altogether. Saturn was there to teach you the value of money and how to manage it in the future - the better you learned these lessons, the better position you will be when Saturn returns to this same position in 2034, a very long time from now! Most people report a much easier experience the second time, mainly because Saturn rules maturity, so as we mature, Saturn has less to show us. You will carry the lessons that you learned about money over the past two years (since Saturn arrived, July 2005) for at least three decades, if not forever.
The other big planetary event to look forward to is the coming arrival of Mars to Cancer on September 28, 2007. This is a once in two-year treat that usually lasts seven weeks, but Mars will do something very unusual this year by planning a stay that will extend to May 9, 2008! Everyone wants Mars in their sign, for having the Red Planet in your corner implies you'll be assertively starting a whole new chapter in your life. The overture on your new chapter will begin now at the new moon July 14 (more about that in a minute), but your life will really get rolling in late September or early October when Mars enters your sign. At that time you will be ready to put into place the plans you're making now.
This month, two heavenly bodies will work like loving little relatives to make sure your birthday month is extra special: Mars, now in Taurus, will zoom through your people / events sector, ensuring that you'll see many more friends than usual. Prepare for a very social time!
Mercury has been retrograde in Cancer since last month, but will normalize by turning to direct speed on July 9. Since Mercury has been in Cancer, this particular retrograde period had to have made you more frustrated than usual. All sorts of delays, false starts, mishaps, and redos are often necessary. It is never wise to buy electronics when Mercury is out of phase, for Mercury rules moving parts. Do yourself a favor: If you have to buy a new, expensive item (particularly if it's an electronic), wait until July 14 or beyond.
Prior to July 14, while Mercury is still in retrograde, you will have a chance this month to fix something that was not working properly. This could be a relationship, or something physical, like a computer, but in either case, you will have the time to see if you can make it "click" again the way it should. While the first two weeks are a good time to look back, the beginning of July won't be the right time to take decisive steps forward. Wait, instead, until on or just after the new moon in Cancer, July 14.
July 14 will be an extra special day, for it marks the new moon in Cancer. From that point on, you will go from waiting to acting quickly. It will be time to push your dearest plans forward with all your might - you will have two weeks in which to do so, but the first week will be the more powerful of the two. That means July 14 - 21 will be your strongest. Prior to that, you won't have all the planetary support you need to get things done your way, but by mid-month, you will.
We only get one new moon a year in our own sign, and that occurs always during birthday month. Ancient astrologers always wrote that the birthday new moon has the power to materialize wishes that are near and dear. Choose the one desire that is most important to you. Set your cell phone alarm for this date - July 14 - and be sure to make an initiation in the days that follow.
Working with the flow of the universe is the reason we study astrology. It's the best tool you'll ever get for planning, for you can ensure the most success by anticipating upcoming conditions - looking at the aspects of your birthday new moon. What you do just after that new moon appears will affect you for the full year ahead. It's that important. Incredibly, this year, the moon will be in elegant angle to Uranus, planet of unexpected developments and lucky breaks. You may be able to take a trip, and you may also find that your finances improve. If your birthday falls within five days of this date, July 14 (or if you have planets in Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio at 22 degrees), you will enjoy a double dip of luck.
As mentioned earlier, your financial situation has probably frustrated you since July 2005, mainly because Saturn has asked you to get by on less. You likely discovered it was nearly impossible to get a decent raise or to even be paid fairly, as just about every employer seemed tightfisted and unwilling to grant you the fees you felt you deserved. You clearly aren't comfortable with your cash flow.
At the full moon July 29, you might find an entry point, a way to earn more spending money. Good timing. If you act immediately (and truly, you won't have more than a couple of days on either side of the full moon), there's a good chance you could find a pipeline of money. Although you will likely earn your cash, or receive money someone owes you, at the same time you might ALSO get a windfall given to you, perhaps as a commission, belated birthday gift, scholarship, or even a prize that you would win on the radio or Internet! (This full moon is in Aquarius, ruling digital forms.) There are many ways money may come to you, but the point is, be cheerful! You can find money if you look for it!
Now let's turn to love and your emotional life.
While money (rather than love), and taking steps to launch your own desires and projects, will take the center of your attention in July (especially in the second half), you still will have a chance to relax and have fun.
If you are attached, then July 1 should be a thrilling time when your other half may confess deepening feelings for you. You may be taken completely by surprise by a confession of love. This lovely development is due to the full moon that fell only days prior to the start of July, on June 30. That full moon will still exert a strong influence in July's first four days. Full moons bring inner feelings out in the open - the person you love will fully share his or her feelings with you. What you decide to do next will be up to you.
If you're single, the fact that Mars will be intent on putting you in the center of so much social action is a stroke of luck. It suggests that friends and new people that you meet with this month will want to help by offering introductions. Let them. Sometimes we need to ask for what we need in life - no harm in that!
One of your favorite days may turn out to be July 11, when Uranus and the Sun join forces to make this a day filled with adventure and all sorts of exciting developments. If your birthday falls near this date, you'll be doubly lucky!
You may travel with a friend and cook up plenty of action on one of July's best days for a quick "Let's go!" overnight trip, July 20. Thanks to the interplay of Mars and Uranus, you'll have an amazing time together. Is July 20 your birthday, or close to this date? Your year will be filled with surprises galore!
Most romantic evenings: July 1, 4 - 5, 8 - 9, 11, 13 - 14. 17, 20, 22, and 28 - 30
If a real estate deal doesn't quite work out at this time, don't worry about it. Blame Venus retrograde, the planet that rules your house of home. You'd be likely to change your mind later anyway. If you need to buy furniture or other pricey things for home, do so from July 14 to 23, no later.
Before Venus settles down for a nap on July 29, schedule a consultation about your looks from a hair stylist, wardrobe consultant, or other image professional. This month's new moon will put you in the right mood to experiment. You seem tired of your current look, so be brave and change it for your birthday year ahead.
Some extra chocolates:
Promise your love forever: July 1 Ask for payment due: July 29 - 31 Travel on a whim: July 11, 20
A close relationship will proceed really well now and it matters not whether you've dated this person ten minutes or ten years. When things between two people begin to truly click, as they will at the start of July, it will be as through you can read one another's mind. If you've known each another for some time and are ready for a commitment, your partner will surprise you by being ready, too. Wait until well after Mercury turns direct on July 9 to promise your heart.
If you want to get married later in the year, consider December 23, the luckiest day of the year, when Jupiter and the Sun will merge energies. Jupiter will be in your marriage house for the first time in 12 years - vavoom! If this December is too soon, then consider being wed on December 27, 2008, which will be the new moon in your marriage sector.
Now, let's return to July! If you are already married or in an established relationship, you will find that in July you'll be in rare sync. Consider drawing up the blueprints for a new goal to work on together.
If you have no one and you have no idea what I am talking about, then you may be using this glorious full moon energy so prevalent in the first three days of July for setting up a new business alliance. Any sort of twosome collaboration will be fortunate for you, dear Cancer, and can even be used if you need to choose a new roommate.
If you are forming a business partnership or are about to agree to hire a manager or representative in business, wait until Mercury turns direct. Do so from July 14 onward (any day that week would be fine).
During the rest of the month, with Mars in gentle Taurus, you'll be in contact with many friends who will have ideas to share and places to take you. Once you start venturing out with them, it will be like nibbling on fine chocolate - hard to resist! (This month, there will be no reason not to!) It's birthday month, so your pals will want to celebrate with you. Plan to gather them all together on one of your happiest dates, when Mars and Uranus will bring lots of surprises, July 20.
You'll start to see your confidence soar after the new moon in Cancer, July 14. Actions you assumed were too big to tackle and beyond your ability will suddenly seem possible.
Travel could come up rather suddenly on July 11 or 20. When it does, shake off your need to plan every detail and be spontaneous. Sometimes life won't wait for all those plans and details. This could be one of those times.
A plan for a rental or purchase of real estate may not work out in the days surrounding July 28. If so, be glad - you may have inadvertently dodged a bullet. You will find something infinitely better. On that date, Venus will begin to retrograde, not to return to normal until September 8. Resume your plan then, when in America it will be after Labor Day in early September.
Financials will need tending on the full moon, July 29. On or near this date, it's time to restack the cards in your favor. Call your cell phone provider, credit card company, mortgage broker, ex-husband, or anyone else in your life that you feel a need to negotiate with for better terms. You may earn a commission, get a generous birthday gift, finalize a divorce settlement, finally be paid child support, or win a court decision. Expect near-miraculous developments that will turn the tables in your favor, very possibly now but if not, certainly within a few months.
There will be two planetary aspects that will bring you reason to rejoice. First, Saturn, the planet that calls for sacrifice and hard work, often against all odds, will finally move out of your house of income on September 2. From then on, your financial tests will be noticeably reduced and may even possibly melt away altogether. Saturn was there to teach you the value of money and how to manage it in the future - the better you learned these lessons, the better position you will be when Saturn returns to this same position in 2034, a very long time from now! Most people report a much easier experience the second time, mainly because Saturn rules maturity, so as we mature, Saturn has less to show us. You will carry the lessons that you learned about money over the past two years (since Saturn arrived, July 2005) for at least three decades, if not forever.
The other big planetary event to look forward to is the coming arrival of Mars to Cancer on September 28, 2007. This is a once in two-year treat that usually lasts seven weeks, but Mars will do something very unusual this year by planning a stay that will extend to May 9, 2008! Everyone wants Mars in their sign, for having the Red Planet in your corner implies you'll be assertively starting a whole new chapter in your life. The overture on your new chapter will begin now at the new moon July 14 (more about that in a minute), but your life will really get rolling in late September or early October when Mars enters your sign. At that time you will be ready to put into place the plans you're making now.
This month, two heavenly bodies will work like loving little relatives to make sure your birthday month is extra special: Mars, now in Taurus, will zoom through your people / events sector, ensuring that you'll see many more friends than usual. Prepare for a very social time!
Mercury has been retrograde in Cancer since last month, but will normalize by turning to direct speed on July 9. Since Mercury has been in Cancer, this particular retrograde period had to have made you more frustrated than usual. All sorts of delays, false starts, mishaps, and redos are often necessary. It is never wise to buy electronics when Mercury is out of phase, for Mercury rules moving parts. Do yourself a favor: If you have to buy a new, expensive item (particularly if it's an electronic), wait until July 14 or beyond.
Prior to July 14, while Mercury is still in retrograde, you will have a chance this month to fix something that was not working properly. This could be a relationship, or something physical, like a computer, but in either case, you will have the time to see if you can make it "click" again the way it should. While the first two weeks are a good time to look back, the beginning of July won't be the right time to take decisive steps forward. Wait, instead, until on or just after the new moon in Cancer, July 14.
July 14 will be an extra special day, for it marks the new moon in Cancer. From that point on, you will go from waiting to acting quickly. It will be time to push your dearest plans forward with all your might - you will have two weeks in which to do so, but the first week will be the more powerful of the two. That means July 14 - 21 will be your strongest. Prior to that, you won't have all the planetary support you need to get things done your way, but by mid-month, you will.
We only get one new moon a year in our own sign, and that occurs always during birthday month. Ancient astrologers always wrote that the birthday new moon has the power to materialize wishes that are near and dear. Choose the one desire that is most important to you. Set your cell phone alarm for this date - July 14 - and be sure to make an initiation in the days that follow.
Working with the flow of the universe is the reason we study astrology. It's the best tool you'll ever get for planning, for you can ensure the most success by anticipating upcoming conditions - looking at the aspects of your birthday new moon. What you do just after that new moon appears will affect you for the full year ahead. It's that important. Incredibly, this year, the moon will be in elegant angle to Uranus, planet of unexpected developments and lucky breaks. You may be able to take a trip, and you may also find that your finances improve. If your birthday falls within five days of this date, July 14 (or if you have planets in Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio at 22 degrees), you will enjoy a double dip of luck.
As mentioned earlier, your financial situation has probably frustrated you since July 2005, mainly because Saturn has asked you to get by on less. You likely discovered it was nearly impossible to get a decent raise or to even be paid fairly, as just about every employer seemed tightfisted and unwilling to grant you the fees you felt you deserved. You clearly aren't comfortable with your cash flow.
At the full moon July 29, you might find an entry point, a way to earn more spending money. Good timing. If you act immediately (and truly, you won't have more than a couple of days on either side of the full moon), there's a good chance you could find a pipeline of money. Although you will likely earn your cash, or receive money someone owes you, at the same time you might ALSO get a windfall given to you, perhaps as a commission, belated birthday gift, scholarship, or even a prize that you would win on the radio or Internet! (This full moon is in Aquarius, ruling digital forms.) There are many ways money may come to you, but the point is, be cheerful! You can find money if you look for it!
Now let's turn to love and your emotional life.
While money (rather than love), and taking steps to launch your own desires and projects, will take the center of your attention in July (especially in the second half), you still will have a chance to relax and have fun.
If you are attached, then July 1 should be a thrilling time when your other half may confess deepening feelings for you. You may be taken completely by surprise by a confession of love. This lovely development is due to the full moon that fell only days prior to the start of July, on June 30. That full moon will still exert a strong influence in July's first four days. Full moons bring inner feelings out in the open - the person you love will fully share his or her feelings with you. What you decide to do next will be up to you.
If you're single, the fact that Mars will be intent on putting you in the center of so much social action is a stroke of luck. It suggests that friends and new people that you meet with this month will want to help by offering introductions. Let them. Sometimes we need to ask for what we need in life - no harm in that!
One of your favorite days may turn out to be July 11, when Uranus and the Sun join forces to make this a day filled with adventure and all sorts of exciting developments. If your birthday falls near this date, you'll be doubly lucky!
You may travel with a friend and cook up plenty of action on one of July's best days for a quick "Let's go!" overnight trip, July 20. Thanks to the interplay of Mars and Uranus, you'll have an amazing time together. Is July 20 your birthday, or close to this date? Your year will be filled with surprises galore!
Most romantic evenings: July 1, 4 - 5, 8 - 9, 11, 13 - 14. 17, 20, 22, and 28 - 30
If a real estate deal doesn't quite work out at this time, don't worry about it. Blame Venus retrograde, the planet that rules your house of home. You'd be likely to change your mind later anyway. If you need to buy furniture or other pricey things for home, do so from July 14 to 23, no later.
Before Venus settles down for a nap on July 29, schedule a consultation about your looks from a hair stylist, wardrobe consultant, or other image professional. This month's new moon will put you in the right mood to experiment. You seem tired of your current look, so be brave and change it for your birthday year ahead.
Some extra chocolates:
Promise your love forever: July 1 Ask for payment due: July 29 - 31 Travel on a whim: July 11, 20
A close relationship will proceed really well now and it matters not whether you've dated this person ten minutes or ten years. When things between two people begin to truly click, as they will at the start of July, it will be as through you can read one another's mind. If you've known each another for some time and are ready for a commitment, your partner will surprise you by being ready, too. Wait until well after Mercury turns direct on July 9 to promise your heart.
If you want to get married later in the year, consider December 23, the luckiest day of the year, when Jupiter and the Sun will merge energies. Jupiter will be in your marriage house for the first time in 12 years - vavoom! If this December is too soon, then consider being wed on December 27, 2008, which will be the new moon in your marriage sector.
Now, let's return to July! If you are already married or in an established relationship, you will find that in July you'll be in rare sync. Consider drawing up the blueprints for a new goal to work on together.
If you have no one and you have no idea what I am talking about, then you may be using this glorious full moon energy so prevalent in the first three days of July for setting up a new business alliance. Any sort of twosome collaboration will be fortunate for you, dear Cancer, and can even be used if you need to choose a new roommate.
If you are forming a business partnership or are about to agree to hire a manager or representative in business, wait until Mercury turns direct. Do so from July 14 onward (any day that week would be fine).
During the rest of the month, with Mars in gentle Taurus, you'll be in contact with many friends who will have ideas to share and places to take you. Once you start venturing out with them, it will be like nibbling on fine chocolate - hard to resist! (This month, there will be no reason not to!) It's birthday month, so your pals will want to celebrate with you. Plan to gather them all together on one of your happiest dates, when Mars and Uranus will bring lots of surprises, July 20.
You'll start to see your confidence soar after the new moon in Cancer, July 14. Actions you assumed were too big to tackle and beyond your ability will suddenly seem possible.
Travel could come up rather suddenly on July 11 or 20. When it does, shake off your need to plan every detail and be spontaneous. Sometimes life won't wait for all those plans and details. This could be one of those times.
A plan for a rental or purchase of real estate may not work out in the days surrounding July 28. If so, be glad - you may have inadvertently dodged a bullet. You will find something infinitely better. On that date, Venus will begin to retrograde, not to return to normal until September 8. Resume your plan then, when in America it will be after Labor Day in early September.
Financials will need tending on the full moon, July 29. On or near this date, it's time to restack the cards in your favor. Call your cell phone provider, credit card company, mortgage broker, ex-husband, or anyone else in your life that you feel a need to negotiate with for better terms. You may earn a commission, get a generous birthday gift, finalize a divorce settlement, finally be paid child support, or win a court decision. Expect near-miraculous developments that will turn the tables in your favor, very possibly now but if not, certainly within a few months.
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