It's time to expand your mind and try new things. Once Mars enters Pisces for a two-month tour on April 6, you'll be ready for at least one new adventure. Travel could be one way you take advantage of this coming seven-week trend, and if so, getting a change of scene would be good for you. If you do decide to leave town, think big. Will you walk down charming streets of Kyoto, go big game watching on the African plains, or survey the view on top of Sugarloaf?
It's actually more likely that you'll travel for your work, but even so, you'll likely find doing so invigorating. You may leave to interview for a job or to nail an important deal, and either way, you'll be very productive.
Even if you have no plans to travel, with Mars moving close to Uranus, you may find that you need to hop a plane anyway on or near April 29.
If your birthday falls on July 5 or July 20, you may be traveling this month as a result of the eclipses last month that fell on March 3 and 18. Mars will move over the exact degree of the first eclipse on April 23, a date to watch, plus or minus five days.
Mars will continue to tear through deep space and travel over the degree of the second eclipse of March 18 on May 12. Again, keep your eye on that date, too.
You won't necessarily have to leave home to partake of this vibrant planetary energy. You might apply for a grant, apply to a post-graduate degree program for the coming semester, or submit a book proposal for a book. The world will be your oyster now. Opportunities in publishing, broadcasting, or academia could be very evident all along now.
On top of all this, a home-related situation - in the form of a new apartment, a change in roommates, or other positive home-related shifts - will culminate at the full moon, April 2, plus or minus four days. Although your window of opportunity will be a narrow one, if you need to find a domestic solution, seize the day!
Inside every Cancer is a yen to run his or her own business, because you were born with rebellious, self-starter Aries at the very top of your solar chart. Note the day of the new moon, April 17 and the two weeks that follow - certain professional opportunities will begin to come up. One offer may be too good to pass up, and you'll want to investigate it fully. Your past experience and hard work will put you head and shoulders above the other candidates.
A new moon in Aries has to be one of the very best places for entrepreneurial enterprises and for pioneering assertively into new realms. You may decide to take the plunge and start your own business. This particular new moon is special in that it sets up a "grand trine" (the word "trine" referring to a triangle of harmony linking three or more planets). In your case, you have MORE than three planets in loving position: the mighty Sun and moon in your house of fame and honors in perfect angle to Saturn in your house of earned income. Saturn will link to Jupiter and Pluto, both now in your house of daily work assignments. As you see, the work you do, the salary you make, and your status in your industry is about to rise all at once.
I cannot see everything in your chart from where I sit, so if you need to temporarily take a cut in income this month to take advantage of a new job opportunity, do it. Finances have been frustrating over the past nearly two years, but if you want the job, accept this reality and move forward. I say this because your long-range outlook for career success and more money is excellent. By mid-August or early September your income should rise, for Saturn will move out of your house of salary for the first time in two years.
That is an important point - Saturn is about to leave this part of your chart for the first time in two years, not to return again for 29 years. I cannot emphasize the importance of this aspect! You are about to see the light at the end of the tunnel, dear Cancer.
Saturn has helped you face certain realities since July 2005. He is the planet of tough love, but he is effective I will admit (if only grudgingly). I know Saturn's lessons can be painful, dear Cancer. If you learn what Saturn has hoped you would learn, you will never have to repeat these lessons again in your lifetime. If you have not learned quite enough, then he will be back in 14 years to oppose the place he has occupied now to send a few more messages as a brush up. Saturn will be back in 29 years to see how far you've come. Saturn is almost never as tough a taskmaster as he is during his initial visit, so try to get the message that you were supposed to get from this trying period, respond to it, and then move on.
One other thing: Saturn has been retrograde in the sky since December, so if you've wanted to get an increase in salary on your present job, but have been asked to be patient because budgets are low, you may get the green light to increasing your finances when Saturn moves direct. Watch for developments on April 19.
In terms of health, if you have a concern, by all means, check with a doctor on one of your best days for advice or a procedure, April 9. On this day, Jupiter will be in beautiful aspect to the Sun, giver of life and strength. There is no better aspect to get advice.
Regarding health, there is one other day to circle: April 19, when the Sun and remunerative Pluto will also be your best friend.
If the idea of the coming swimsuit season has you jittery, sign up at the gym or for lessons just after the energetic new moon in Aries, April 17. Aries is the sign of the warrior, so you'd do best with strenuous sports. Take up fencing, boxing, squash, or something else that's strenuous and perfect for fat burning. You'll surprise yourself with the natural aptitude you show in your new activities, for again, Pluto will help you succeed.
Romance blooms best this month at work rather than while socializing at parties, or being out in restaurants or other social situations. It looks like someone may have noticed you and will now make a subtle move to get to know you better. Cancer is a shy, reserved sign, so you may wonder what to do next. If interested, suggest you both meet for coffee. Later you can you decide if you want to pursue things a bit more.
Fun with friends in any type of group activity will be best in the first ten days, while Venus tours Taurus, the very sign she rules. You'll be busy with your career in the second half, and occupied with your home, real estate decision, or parental concern at the start of April, but if you can, find a few moments to spend with your pals between other obligations.
If you are dating and interested in moving to a serious commitment but have wondered why engagement or marriage hasn't happened yet, the fact that Saturn has been retrograde is probably the reason. Saturn rules your house of marriage, and has been in a backward orbit since December.
All that changes this month. Watch the date Saturn goes direct, on April 19. That day and the days surrounding it will likely bring good news that the delays and hesitations that one or both of you felt may be over. Conditions will change and improve around you, too, so you'll feel more ready to tie the knot - if you truly are ready.
Attached or single, your very best romantic evenings will be: April 4 - 5, 13 - 14, 19, 21, and 27.
Your home life is showing developments at the full moon April 2. You may move into a new space, decide to quickly fix up a space, or change roommates. Yet the fourth house of home also rules matters related to parents, too, so you may assist a relative or get news from one, or if you are adopted, even meet your parent for the first time. Every aspect surrounding this moon is positive, so forge forward, dear Cancer.
For two years, you've had to deal with a difficult financial situation, but now you have a perfect window of opportunity to help yourself to a better job in the second half.
Get on the stick at the new moon on April 17 to investigate offers for a better job or a chance to start your own business. You will have the two weeks that follow this new moon to flesh out opportunities. Indeed, this will be one of your very best points of the year to reach a new, more visible level in your industry.
With help from Pluto, it appears an authority figure could be very helpful in either pointing you in the right direction or in giving you the reference you need to nail it. Saturn and Jupiter, along with the position of the Sun, show the potential is there to make - and save - quite a bit of cash. This may be obvious now, or eventually, but it's clear you are moving out of this difficult situation.
In this future-oriented month, if you are interested in attending a college in coming semesters, the right puffy envelopes may now arrive in your mailbox with invitations to attend the college of your choice. Chances are, you'll be happy with news from the admissions department, for Mars will be in a very positive position from April 6 to May 15.
If you like, you'll be able to travel quite a bit in coming weeks, too. You seem bored lately, so you will do really well from getting a change in scene. Try to go now, dear Cancer.
No matter what your situation, it's an exciting time, as your whole future will be blossoming before your eyes now.