Went out with Cheng Shufen to Vivocity on monday. Its the 2nd time i been to the place and i like it alot. We ate XXX Chicken fillet from the MiaoKou Taiwan Street Food. Its very tasting. Unlike the XXX Chicken fillet from Shilin, this XXX Chicken fillet is coated with a layer of sweet sause.
We also had Gelato from Bravissimo, there are a lot flavor to choose from. Cheng Shufen almost wanted to test every single flavor. (We tried the rocha flavour, is a very nutty chocolate style, Blueberry tasted sour yet fruity. Macadamia was quite average, it taste like vanilla. Their Cookies & cream was nice, it taste quite different compared to other stores.)
After all the tasting we had a cone tiramisu, cos our aunty cheng shufen says cone better got biscuit to eat. The Tiramisu is very creamy & fragrant. I just love tiramisu.
Do you know that gelato is not just a name for italian ice cream. It is different from those regular premium ice cream which consist a significant amount of butterfat. Gelato is made of milk & fruit. Although it is lower in fat, it has a very luscious texture and intense flavor.
We watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle at the 7.35 time slot. The show was nice. Last time went i was young i like TMNT alot. Still got the figurine but dunno put where le. I got 1 picture of Chengshufen wearing a Kuching jacket with her bag, woo she look TEENAGE MUTANT UGLY TURTLE.
For dinner, we ate in Jiaxiang Kuching Restarant. It sells only noodle. The noodle was very tasty, the noodle we had consist of charsiew, minced meat & wanton. There is also abalone & fried wanton noodle too. We ordered 1 of their home brew drink, Luohan Guo. They also have brews like Barley drink & fresh aloe vera.
The night was completed with a nice stroll & hearty chat along the sealine facing sentosa..